Previous Years HERUG Development Requests

2000 Development Request Cycle

Results from the voting on the 2000 Development Requests are now final. Please refer to the voting form for details on individual items.

1999 Development Request Cycle

Results from the voting on the 1999 Development Requests are now final. Please refer to the voting form for details on individual items.

1998 Development Request Cycle

This set of potential development requests was developed in discussions at meetings of the HER User Group. These were placed on this web page and put to a vote in October, 1998. The results of this voting process can be viewed here. Multiple appointments received the most votes. The progress in terms of Multiple appointments and the other requests on the list were reported on by SAP-AG at the Amsterdam Meeting.

1997 Development Request Cycle

In May 1997, the 1997 development requests were put to a vote. Position Management and Grant Year received the most votes. These two developments have been developed by SAP AG and are currently being piloted:
  1. Position Management: This is a major enhancement to the integration between Human Resources, Payroll, and Funds Management. The new functionality will allow direct linkage between positions/persons in HR and budget in an FM triple (a unique combination of Fund, Fund Centre, and Commitment Item) so that it will be possible to raise a pre-commitment against the budget at the time a position is "financed" (approved for filling), a commitment against budget at the time the appointment is made and a reduction in this commitment in accord with actual payroll postings. Provision is also made for certain functionality being available for budgeting and filling positions in terms of FTE values rather than cash. [Pilot Sites: University of Toronto, University of Cape Town, Central Michigan University, University of Newcastle]
  1. Grant Year: This development will allow the allocation of a fiscal year to an individual Fund in FM and not just to the FM Area as a whole. This means that it will be possible to align the fiscal year of a donor or external party to a research contract with the fiscal year applied to the Fund in which the financial affairs are reflected. This will make it much simpler to control budget allocation in line with the receipt of funds from the external party and to provide reporting to that party in line with their fiscal year rather than that of the Institution. [Pilot Sites: University of Toronto, University of Cape Town]

Last Updated 6/3/03 by Christina Buffa.