HKN Underground Guide to VI-A


Location: Mountain View, CA
Number of Respondents: 1

          SGI is located in suburban Mountain View, CA. The company provides assistance in finding housing and provides a $2,250 lump sum subsidy for all expenses. The sole respondent reported that housing was difficult to find. He paid $450 per month plus utilities for an apartment and biked to work, which took 25 minutes. A car was considered necessary.

          The intern worked on printed circuit board development and was assigned the project upon arrival. The work was challenging and interesting. The intern found it easy to switch groups and was encouraged to try out different groups. The respondent felt he had a moderately important role in the group's work.

          There was a lot of work and social interaction among interns. The company sponsored various activities, ranging from lunches, to talks, to sports. The work environment was very laid back, and dress was casual. The respondent had access to up-to-date equipment and worked in a small cubicle. He found co-workers to be very competent and respectful.

          SGI does not provide health or dental benefits but does pay for moving costs and fifth year first term tuition. The salary is above average.

          The respondent had a great overall impression of the company and the group that he worked in. He would definitely choose to work at SGI again.

"Very nice area, but impossible to do anything without a car."
"Sometimes the environment is so lax that little work got done, but usually its low stress helps you enjoy your work."
Difficulty in finding housing: 4/5
Housing expense: $450
Travel expense: $60
Freedom in defining one's project: 2/5
Ease of switching groups between years: 4/5
Encouragement to try out different groups: 4/5
Satisfaction with current work assignment: 4/5
Amount of interaction between students: 5/5
Flexibility of hours: 5/5
Amount saved during the summer: $5000
Overall impression of the company: 5/5

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