HKN Underground Guide to VI-A

Location: Mountain View, CA
Number of Respondents: 4

          Synopsys is located in suburban Mountain View, CA. The company provides both assistance in finding housing as well as a full housing subsidy in a tight and very expensive housing market. Synopsys also rents cars for its summer employees, although some students remarked that a car was not necessary for getting to work. The respondents found the Bay Area to be a mixed bag: some thought it very interesting, while others thought it was somewhat dull.

          The respondents were in groups ranging from six to nine members, working mainly on programming-related projects. Most projects dealt with applied research and were either assigned before the summer or upon arrival. The students remarked that they had a good deal of freedom in defining their projects, and found their assignments to be interesting and satisfying. On average, the respondents felt that they had a somewhat important role in their group's work.

          The working environment was less laid back than other 6A companies, but was still not pressured. Work hours were described as very flexible, and dress was somewhat casual. The students rated their co-workers as competent and in turn felt that they were treated with respect. The students worked in cubicles and had access to slightly outdated equipment. The company sponsored a moderate number of activities, and students felt that they achieved a moderate amount of interaction with other students.

          Synopsys paid for health and moving expenses in addition to fifth year first term tuition. Salary was well above average for the West Coast. One interesting thing to note was that students were able to save upwards of $10,000 over the summer, presumably due to the high salary and the fully subsidized car and housing rental.

          Overall, students liked Synopsys and would work there again for 6A if given the chance. However, some were unsure as to whether they would like to work there after graduation.

"I am ensconced in luxury while I work. Improved foosball skills greatly."
"It is Paradise!"
Difficulty in finding housing: 3.5/5
Housing expense: $500/week (paid by company)
Travel expense: $1000
Freedom in defining one's project: 4.0/5
Ease of switching groups between years 3.5/5
Encouragement to try out different groups: 2.8/5
Satisfaction with current work assignment: 4.5/5
Amount of interaction between students: 3.5/5
Flexibility of hours: 4.8/5
Amount saved during the summer: $9500
Overall impression of the company: 4.3/5

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