For obtaining the stationary points of principal curvature
within the domain, the simultaneous bivariate equations
(8.29) become [255]
The plus and minus signs correspond to the maximum and minimum
principal curvatures, and
are polynomials of degree
parameters and are given by
, we obtain
These are two simultaneous bivariate irrational equations involving
polynomials and square roots of polynomials which arise from the
analytical expressions of principal curvatures. We can introduce
an auxiliary variable
such that
to remove the
radical and transform the problem into a system of three
trivariate polynomial equations
of degree
. For a bicubic Bézier patch the degrees of the
trivariate polynomial equations are (33,34,1), (34,33,1) and (24,24,2).
The resulting system can be solved with the IPP algorithm of Chap.
4 (see [255] for details).
For the stationary points of principal curvatures along the boundary, we
need to solve the following four univariate irrational equations
involving polynomials and square roots of polynomials
which can be solved by the same auxiliary variable method as before.
(or equivalently
(8.60) become
This condition is equivalent to the point where the two
principal curvatures are identical, i.e. an umbilical point.
If the
umbilical point coincides with a local maximum or minimum of the
curvature, we cannot use (8.66) to locate such a
point. In such case we need to locate the umbilical point first by
finding the roots of the equation
which reduces to solving
, since
is a non-negative function,
a global minimum at the umbilic
[257]. The
condition for global minimum at the umbilic implies that
or equivalently (given that
Therefore, assuming
, the umbilics are the solutions of the
following three simultaneous equations (see also
Sect. 9.3):
at the umbilics, (8.66) reduce to
. If we substitute the first equation
of (8.72) into (8.61) and use the fact
, we obtain
. Similarly by
substituting the second equation of (8.72) into
(8.64), we obtain
. Consequently the solutions of
(8.66) include not only the locations of extrema of
principal curvatures but also the locations of the umbilical points.
Then we use Theorem 9.5.1 at the umbilical points to check if
the umbilical point is a local extremum of principal curvatures.
A cusp is an isolated singular point on the surface where the surface
tangent plane is undefined, i.e.
. Cusps of an offset surface
correspond to points on the progenitor where both of the principal
curvatures are equal to
is the offset distance
[94] (see also Sect. 11.3.2).
In this manner, cusps on an offset surface are
associated with umbilics of the progenitor. Hence we can locate the
cusps on an offset surface using