Up: Shape Interrogation for Computer
Previous: Bibliography
- absolute curvature
- affine parameter transformation
- 4.4
- algebraic curve
- 5.4.1
- algebraic distance
- 5.4.1
- algebraic numbers
- 5.2.3
- arbitrary speed
- 2.2
- arc length
- 2.1
- arc length parametrization
- 2.1
- artificial singularity
- 3.1
- auxiliary variable method
- 4.5
- Bézier curve
- algorithms
- 1.3.5
- derivative
- 1.3.4
- properties
- 1.3.4
- Bézier point
- 1.3.4
- Bézier surface
- 1.3.6
- B-spline basis function
- 1.4.1
- derivative
- 1.4.1
- B-spline curve
- algorithms
- 1.4.3
- derivative
- 1.4.2
- properties
- 1.4.2
- B-spline surface
- 1.4.4
- basis conversion
- B-spline to Bézier
- 1.4.2
- monomial to Bernstein
- one variable
- 4.4
- two variables
- 4.4
- Bernstein polynomial
- derivative
- 1.3.1
- arithmetic operation
- 1.3.2
- properties
- 1.3.1
- binormal vector
- 2.3
- Boehm's algorithm
- 1.4.3
- border point
- Boundary Representation
- 5.1
- boundary value problem
- finite difference method
- 10.3.3
- relaxation method
- 10.3.3
- shooting method
- 10.3.2
- bounding box
- bounding wedge
- 5.6.2
- calculus of variations
- 10.2.1
- Christoffel symbols
- 10.2.1
- clamped curves
- 1.4.2
- clamped knots
- 1.4.2
- class of function
- 1.1.1
| 1.2
- collinear normal point
| 7.2.2
- condition number of root
- 1.3.3
- conic sections
- 1.1.1
- conjugate point
- 10.1
- Constructive Solid Geometry
- 5.1
- continuity
- geometric
- 1.3.5
- parametric
- 1.3.5
- contouring
| 8.5.3
- control net
- 1.3.6
- control polygon
- 1.3.4
- convex hull
- 1.3.4
- convex hull property
- 1.3.4
| 1.4.2
- curvature
- 2.2
- tangential intersection point
- 6.4.2
- transversal intersection curve
- 6.3.2
- curvature map
- curvature plots
- curvature vector
- 2.2
- cusp
- 8.2.3
- cyclide
- 9.1
| 11.1.1
- Darboux vector
- de Boor algorithm
- 1.4.3
- de Boor points
- 1.4.2
- de Casteljau algorithm
- 1.3.5
| 4.4
- degenerate patch
- 1.3.6
- denormalized number
- 4.8.1
- developable surface
- 8.1
| 9.7.1
| 11.4.2
- development
- 10.8
- directrix
- 9.7.1
- distance function
- 7.1
- stationary points
- 7.3.1
- Dupin's cyclide patch
- 9.1
- Dupin's indicatrix
- 3.6
| 6.4.1
- ellipsoid
- 1.2
| 1.2
- elliptic cone
- 1.2
| 1.2
| 3.1
- elliptic cylinder
- 1.2
| 1.2
- elliptic paraboloid
- 1.2
- umbilic
- 8.3
- elliptic point
- 3.3
- end point geometric property
- 1.3.4
| 1.4.2
- essential singularity
- 3.1
- Euler's equation
- 10.2.1
- Euler's theorem
- 3.6
| 9.7.1
- evolute
- explicit curve
- 1.1.1
- explicit quadratic surface
- 8.3
- exponent
- 4.6
- first fundamental form
- 3.2
- coefficients
- 3.2
- flat point
- 3.3
| 3.4
- floating point arithmetic
- 4.6
| 4.8.1
- focal curve
- focal surface
- Folium of Descartes
- 1.1.1
- Frenet-Serret formulae
- 2.4
| 2.4
| 6.2
| 11.2.1
- Gaussian curvature
- 3.4
| 3.5
- ellipsoid
- 3.5.2
- elliptic cone
- 3.5.2
- explicit surface
- 3.5.1
- hyperbolic cylinder
- 3.5.2
- implicit surface
- 3.5.2
- generator
- 9.7.1
- geodesic
| 10.
| 10.1
- curvature
| 10.2.1
- curvature vector
- 3.3
| 10.2.1
- equation of
- 10.2.1
| 10.2.2
- offset
- 10.7
- on developable surface
- 10.8
- geometry invariance property
- 1.3.4
| 1.4.2
- Gröbner bases
- 4.3.1
- Greville abscissa
- 1.4.1
- helix
- 2.3
- highlight line
- hodograph
- 1.3.4
| 5.6.2
- hyperbolic cylinder
- 1.2
- hyperbolic paraboloid
- 1.2
| 3.2
| 3.5.1
| 10.2.1
- hyperbolic point
- 3.3
- hyperboloid of one sheet
- 1.2
- hyperboloid of revolution
- 1.2
- hyperboloid of two sheets
- 1.2
- 1.5
- implicit curve
- 1.1.1
- implicit surface
- 1.2
- implicitization
- incidence intransitivity
- 5.3
- inflection line
- 9.7.1
- inflection point
- 2.2
- initial value problem
- 10.3.1
- interrogation
- 8.
- first-order
- fourth-order
- 8.1.5
- second-order
- 8.1.3
- third-order
- zeroth-order
- 8.1.1
- intersection
- curve to curve
- 5.6
- curve to surface
- 5.7
- lattice method
- marching method
- point to curve
- 5.4
- point to point
- 5.3
- point to surface
- 5.5
- subdivision method
- surface to surface
- 5.8
- interval arithmetic
- 4.6
| no title
- algebraic properties
- 4.7
- rounded interval arithmetic
- 4.8
- interval Newton's method
- 4.7
- Interval Projected Polyhedron (IPP) algorithm
- 4.9
- intrinsic equation
- 2.4
- inverse function theorem
- 9.3
- inversion
- isophotes
- knot insertion
- 1.4.3
- knot removal
- 1.4.3
- knot vector
- 1.4.2
- clamped
- 1.4.2
- Lagrange multiplier
- 8.4
- line of curvature
- 3.4
| 9.1
- linear precision
- 1.3.1
| 4.4
- linkage curve theorem
- local support property
- 1.4.2
- mantissa
- 4.6
| 4.8.1
- marching method
- 7.3.2
- maximum principal curvature
- 3.4
- ellipsoid
- 3.5.2
- elliptic cone
- 3.5.2
- hyperbolic cylinder
- 3.5.2
- mean curvature
- 3.4
| 3.5
- ellipsoid
- 3.5.2
- elliptic cone
- 3.5.2
- explicit surface
- 3.5.1
- hyperbolic cylinder
- 3.5.2
- implicit surface
- 3.5.2
- medial axis
- 11.1.3
- meridians
- 3.4
- Meusnier's theorem
- 3.3
- minimum principal curvature
- 3.4
- ellipsoid
- 3.5.2
- elliptic cone
- 3.5.2
- hyperbolic cylinder
- 3.5.2
- Monge form
- 3.5.1
| 9.2
- NC machining
- 11.1.2
- Newton's method
- modified
- 4.2
- n variables
- 10.3.3
- one variable
- 4.1
| 4.2
- node
- 1.4.1
- non-algebraic distance
- 5.4.1
- non-arc-length parametrization
- 2.2
- Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS)
- 1.5
- curve
- 1.5
- surface
- 1.5
- nonparametric form
- 1.
- normal curvature vector
- 3.3
- normal plane
- 6.3.4
- normal pyramid
- 11.3.5
- normal vector
- curve
- 2.2
- surface
- 3.1
- normalized number
- 4.8.1
- offset curve
- 11.2
- approximation
- 11.2.4
- cusp
- 11.2.3
- extraordinary point
- 11.2.2
- irregular point
- 11.2.2
- isolated point
- 11.2.3
- ordinary cusp
- 11.2.2
- self-intersection
- 11.2.2
| 11.2.3
- singularity
- 11.2.2
- offset surface
- 11.3
- approximation
- 11.3.7
- Gaussian curvature
- 11.3.1
- implicit surface
- 11.3.3
- irregular point
- 11.3.2
- mean curvature
- 11.3.1
- principal curvature
- 11.3.1
- self-intersection
- 11.3.2
- explicit quadratic surface
- 11.3.4
- implicit quadratic surface
- 11.3.3
- parametric surface
- 11.3.5
- tracing
- 11.3.6
- singularity
- 11.3.2
- ordinary point
- 2.1
| 3.1
- orthotomics
- osculating plane
- 2.2
- Oslo algorithm
- 1.4.3
- overlapping
- 5.9
- parabolic cylinder
- 1.2
- parabolic point
- 3.3
- paraboloid of revolution
- 1.2
- parallels
- 3.4
- parametric curve
- 1.1.1
- parametric speed
- 2.1
- parametric surface
- 1.2
- pick feed
- 11.1.2
- pipe surface
- 11.6
- planar point
- 3.3
| 3.4
- polynomial solver
- algebraic technique
- 4.3.1
- balanced system
- 4.4
- homotopy method
- 4.3.2
- hybrid technique
- 4.3.1
- overconstrained system
- 4.4
- subdivision method
- 4.3.3
- underconstrained system
- 4.4
- principal direction
- 3.4
- principal normal vector
- 2.2
- principal patch
- 9.1
- procedural curve
- 5.1
- procedural surface
- 5.1
- Projected Polyhedron (PP) algorithm
- 4.4
- Pythagorean hodograph
- 11.4
- quadric
- 1.2
| 3.5.2
- radial curve
- radius of curvature
- 2.2
- rational arithmetic
- 4.6
- rational number
- 5.2.3
- ray tracing
- rectifying plane
- 2.3
- reflection line
- regular point
- on curve
- 2.1
- on surface
- 3.1
- resultant
- 4.3.1
- root mean square curvature
- rotation matrix
- 9.3
- ruled surface
- 9.7.1
- conical
- cylindrical
- ruling
- 9.7.1
- secant method
- 10.5
- second fundamental form
- 3.3
- coefficients
- 3.3
- self-intersection
- 5.10
| 5.10
- semi-cubical parabola
- 2.1
- shaded image
- shooting method
- 10.3.1
- significant digits
- 4.6
- singly curved surface
- 9.7.1
- singular point
- 2.1
| 3.1
- span
- 1.4.2
- 1.5
- surface inflection
- 9.7.1
- surface of revolution
- 3.4
- tangent plane
- 3.1
- tensor product surface
- 1.3.6
| 1.4.4
- tolerance region
- 11.1.4
- tool driving plane
- 11.1.2
- torsion
- 2.3
| 6.2
- transversal intersection curve
- 6.3.3
- torus
- 1.5
- total curvature
- trip algorithm
- 8.5.3
- triple scalar product
- 2.3
- turning point
- umbilic
- 3.4
| 8.2.3
| 9.1
| 9.1
- criterion
- 9.5
- generic
- 9.2
- index
- 9.2
- lemon pattern
- 9.2
- lemon type
- 8.3
- monstar pattern
- 9.2
- non-generic
- 9.2
- star pattern
- 9.2
- unit in the last place (ulp)
- 4.8
- unit speed
- 2.1
- unit tangent vector
- 2.1
- tangential intersection points
- 6.4
- transversal intersection curve
- 6.3
- variation diminishing property
- 1.3.4
| 1.4.2
- wireframe
December 2009