In this section it is shown that all two point
BVPs for solving geodesics on developables can be reduced to IVPs
using the differential geometry properties introduced in Sect.
Since a geodesic on a developable surface maps to a straight line on
the developed plane, there is only one solution to the system
(10.20) on a
developable surface. Here we exclude periodic surfaces such as
cylinders where there can be more than one solution.
The basic procedure is to map the two desired points on the
developable surface to a plane, draw the straight line between them
and determine the angle between the generator
and the geodesic line at one of the end points.
The angle can be used to
determine the initial direction
. Thus, all the information
required for an IVP is available.
Figure 10.13:
Geodesic on a degree (3,1) developable surface
(adapted from [251])
Given two points
on the developable surface
as shown in Fig. 10.13(c), the corresponding points
in the developed planar surface are
required. The Frenet-Serret formulae (2.56) state
is the unit tangent
vector to a curve,
is the unit normal vector to a curve and
is the curvature. The minus sign ensures that
positive when
points away from the center of curvature (see
3.2). For a planar curve in the
plane, we
can define the unit normal vector as
. Substituting this equation into
the Frenet-Serret formulae yields
denote the 2D coordinates on the developed plane (X,Y).
If we rewrite the first equation of (10.75) in terms of the
, we obtain
Similarly the second equation of (10.75) can be rewritten in
terms of the parameter
, (10.75) reduce to
The development is based on the fact that curves on isometric
surfaces have the same geodesic curvatures.
in (10.77) can be
replaced by
, the geodesic curvature of the curve on the
developable surface [116].
If we choose
the curve on the developable surface to be
, an iso-parametric curve in
terms of
we can replace
in (10.77)
Thus we have
To find the points
in the plane, we first set
as the
point in the plane corresponding to
the surface. We integrate the system (10.79)
and (10.80) along the directrix that corresponds to
determine the point
, shown in Fig. 10.13(a).
Since isometric maps are conformal, the angle between the directrix
and the generator at
is the same in both representations and
can be found by
is a vector whose direction
corresponds to the iso-parametric line
which is a
straight line on the surface. Therefore it is a geodesic and will be
developed into the plane as a straight line. The distance
is given by
. The point
on the plane is found
. The point
on the plane
is found by following the same procedure, and the points are connected
as shown in Fig. 10.13(a). The angle
is given by
The angles
are shown in
Figs. 10.13(a) and (c).
This angle
is preserved between the iso-parametric line
and the geodesic curve
on the developable surface at
. Thus we have
where the tangent vector to the geodesic is
given by
Evaluating (10.85) and (10.86)
at the initial point,
we have all the initial conditions required to solve the IVP
((10.17) to (10.20)) for a
geodesic. The solution to the IVP yields the
parametric values
for the geodesic that are graphed in Fig. 10.13(b). The
corresponding three-dimensional coordinate values are shown in
Figs. 10.13(c) and (d). The geodesic runs from
= (0.1, 0.3) to
= (0.9, 0.8).