Curve to curve intersection cases are identified in
Table 5.1. Conceptually, case D3 (RPP/IA curve
intersections) is the simplest of the above cases of intersection to
describe and use for illustrating various general difficulties of
intersection problems (see Sect. 5.6.1). The next case of
interest is case D1 (RPP/RPP curve intersections) from Table
5.1 and this is analyzed in Sect. 5.6.2.
Next cases D2 and D5 (RPP/PP and PP/PP curve intersections) from Table
5.1 are analyzed in Sect. 5.6.3. These are
followed by cases D6 (PP/IA curve intersections) and D8
(IA/IA curve intersections) analyzed in Sects. 5.6.4 and
5.6.5, respectively. Cases D4, D7, D9 and D10 are not addressed
here, however the reader should be able to analyze those cases based on the
cases treated in this section.
Table 5.1:
Classification of curve/curve intersections