Image and Meaning II. Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA. June 23-25, 2005.

On-Stage Conversations and Workshop Program [Show all presenters]

Visual Thinking in Complex Systems

2D, 3D, 4D,nD: How Far Can We Go?

Print Media and Graphical Explanations

Visual Thinking in Physics

The Moving Image: What Do We Learn from Simulations, Modeling, and Animation?

The Written Word

Rethinking our Tools

Visual Thinking in Biology

The Sublime in Art and Science

Connecting with Computer Science

Wrap-up and Open Discussion

Workshop Breakout Sessions

  • Small, interdisciplinary working groups shared their own work and discovered the visual commonalities among disciplines. Groups worked together to meet specific challenges such as: How to represent scale? Temporality? Multi-dimensions? Abstractions? How to visually represent specific concepts?