General Criteria
Reimbursements for Activity
Submit a Funding Request
Part of organizing an IAP offering involves securing funds to
cover activity costs, such as supplies, food, audio-visual equipment,
etc. While the vast majority of funding for IAP activities comes
directly from departments and student groups, the Academic Resource
Center has a limited amount of funding for activities. Click on
the links to the left for funding criteria and application information.
NOTE: Funding requests will be reviewed beginning Monday,
Nov. 3.
General Criteria for
Obtaining Funding for an IAP Activity
Funding for IAP activities is limited. The IAP staff bases awards
on the soundness of the proposed budget and the degree to which
the activity will benefit others. Preference will be given to student-run
activities. If you plan to request funding, consider the following:
Is this a student-run activity?
Are there other possible sources of funding?
How many participants are expected?
What is the total dollar amount of requests?
Note that when activities are sponsored by departments, laboratories,
centers and offices, funding support from the Academic Resource
Center should be viewed as partial support.
Criteria for Honoraria and Other Activity
The maximum amount granted for honoraria for outside speakers
is $50 per speaker.
MIT faculty, students,and staff cannot receive honoraria.
Awards will not be made to cover the costs of refreshments,
individual travel, or advertising.
- Film rental charges may be covered by awards of up to a maximum
of $200 per film. Film series will be treated on a special basis;
the award for a series will generally not exceed half the cost
of the total of all the individual films in the series.
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Submit a Funding Request
Go to the Post/Revise
Your Subject or Activity page to complete the
electronic posting
form for your subject or activity and submit
it for review.
Go to the IAP
Funding Request Form page and submit a request
by Monday, Nov. 3, when the funding review begins.
Funding requests received after Monday, Nov. 3 will be considered
only if funds remain. Late requests will be reviewed on a first-come,
first-served basis.
- The IAP staff will notify those who requested funding of its
award decisions for on-time requests beginning Friday, November
14. If you do not hear from IAP program staff by this date, please
contact the Academic Resource Center at x3-1668.
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Reimbursements for
Activity Expenses
Save your receipts! Only actual costs, documented by original receipts,
can be reimbursed. Federal auditing procedures require original
receipts, whether cash or credit card slips. The Accounts Payable
Department will not accept photocopied receipts.
Credit card charges: If you lose your receipt, you can submit a
copy of your statement showing the expense.
Cash payments: If you lose or do not get cash receipts, you will
not be reimbursed.
To receive reimbursement you must submit a request for reimbursement
on or before (date TBA), with documentation (such as an activity
flier or copy of IAP Guide posting) that your activity took place.