You may apply for funds to help defray the cost of
your activity. The Academic Resource Center (ARC) has limited funding,
with preference given to first-time and student-initiated activities.
In general the ARC can provide partial support only. So please try
to identify other sources of funding before appling for funds from
the ARC.
Before filling out this form, your activity must be submitted to
the ARC for approval by completing the electronic form found on
the Post/Revise
Your Subject or Activity page. You may then apply
for funding.
To apply for funding: Complete this form and submit no later than
Monday, Nov. 3.
You will be notified of the decision via e-mail beginning on Friday,
November 14. If you do not hear from IAP staff by this date, please
call x3-1668, or write iap-www@mit.edu.
Funds will not be awarded to cover the costs of
refreshments, advertising, or individual travel. Awards are based
on your proposed budget. However, only actual costs, as documented
by original receipts, can be reimbursed. Save your receipts.
Late Requests: If funds remain, your request will be considered
on a first-come, first-served basis.