MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2014

Spatial Statistics: Spatial Autocorrelation

Jennie Murack

Jan/17 Fri 01:00PM-03:00PM 14N-132

Enrollment: Limited: Advance sign-up required
Limited to 25 participants
Prereq: A basic knowledge of ArcMap

Are there clusters in your data? Are similar values grouped together? What about outliers? This workshop will introduce you to spatial autocorrelation, a statistical technique that helps you identify patterns of similar and different values in your data. We will use both ArcMap and Geoda.

Prerequisites: A basic knowledge of ArcMap, including how to load data and a familiarity with the interface.

Register here:

Sponsor(s): Geographic Information Systems Lab, Libraries
Contact: Jennie Murack, 7-238, 617 258-6680, MURACK@MIT.EDU