About IAP
The Independent Activities Period (IAP) is a special term at MIT that runs from early January until the end of the month. IAP 2014 will run from Monday, January 6, through Friday, January 31, 2014.
IAP provides members of the MIT community (students, faculty, staff, and alums) with a unique opportunity to organize, sponsor and participate in a wide variety of activities, including how-to sessions, forums, athletic endeavors, lecture series, films, tours, recitals and contests.
During IAP, students are encouraged to set their own educational agendas, pursue independent projects, meet with faculty, or pursue many other options not possible during the semester. Faculty are free to introduce innovative educational experiments as IAP activities. All members of the MIT Community, are encouraged to create offerings aimed at sharing a particular talent, expertise or interest with others at the Institute.
Some individuals and departments offer seminars, lectures, and open houses as a way to showcase their year-round efforts in supporting the MIT Community. Others use IAP to share interests and talents not necessarily related to their day-to-day MIT roles. Many faculty, staff, and students organize activities based on personal interests, such as art, music, film, cooking, and hobbies. IAP offers the chance to learn something new about our fellow students, colleagues, and friends.
IAP offerings are distinguished by their variety, innovative spirit, and fusion of fun and learning. Past IAP activities have ranged from credit activities such as human biochemistry lectures and community service workshops, to noncredit offerings such as Mediterranean cooking classes and improvisational comedy workshops.
With IAP, the possibilities are endless. We hope you’ll join us in 2014.