MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2014

Introduction to Athena

Andrew Farrell

Jan/06 Mon 08:00PM-09:30PM 1-115
Jan/29 Wed 08:30PM-10:00PM 1-115

Enrollment: Limited: First come, first served (no advance sign-up)
Attendance: Repeating event, particpants welcome at any session

Athena is the computing environment at MIT. Like a network of blood vessels reaching out to, connecting, and bringing life to every cell of campus, Athena is of the highest importance and understanding how to work with it is critical to being productive at MIT. Unfortunately, many people at MIT don't know the first thing about working with Athena. No one ever teaches you about it in the daily class-psets-food-sleep cycle. This is that missing class. In this class, you'll learn the basics of the Linux command line along with the most important MIT-specific services that make Athena unique. Additionally, you'll learn how to write short scripts to save time. This class will teach you how to work with Athena to make your life easier, stay connected with friends, and improve your interactions with computers at MIT. If the words "finger", "blanche", and "zephyr" don't mean anything special to you, then you must take this class!

Sponsor(s): Student Information Processing Board, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Contact: Andrew Farrell,