MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2014

Tuesday Ceramica Botanica SAA Ceramics

Darrell Finnegan

Jan/07 Tue 04:00PM-06:30PM W20-431
Jan/14 Tue 04:00PM-06:30PM W20-431
Jan/21 Tue 04:00PM-06:00PM W20-431
Jan/28 Tue 04:00PM-06:30PM W20-431

Enrollment: Limited: Advance sign-up required
Sign-up by 01/06
Attendance: Participants must attend all sessions
Prereq: none
Fee: $100.00 for professional instruction / materials

Nature is a wonderful source of inspiration. Both wheel thrown and hand-built vessels will be stretched, altered and manipulated in various ways with a nature theme. Exploring numerous surface techniques, we will transform your vessel into a functional form or sculptural object. Think large leaf platters, perhaps plump peach pitchers or over-sized sculptural pears.



Contact: Sam Magee, E15-205, 617 253-4004, SAMMAGEE@MIT.EDU