MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2014

Better Living Through Clojure

Bhaskar Mookerji, David Greenberg, Aysylu Greenberg

Jan/14 Tue 07:00PM-09:00PM 4-231
Jan/15 Wed 07:00PM-09:00PM 4-231

Enrollment: Unlimited: Advance sign-up required
Attendance: Participants must attend all sessions

Clojure is a general-purpose language with seamless Java interoperability, a modern Lisp dialect, an a rich set of immutable, persistent data structures. Elegant and powerful, Clojure aims to reduce the incidental complexity of software engineering by making functional programming practical and accessible.

The first class introduces Clojure's philosophy, Lisp syntax, and primitives for expressive functional proramming on immutable collection types. In the second class, we'll overview some libraries for production-quality programming in a few areas: parsing, concurrent programming, distrubted databases, and graph and dataflow programming.

The class will be interactive, with an emphasis on functional problem solving, so bring a laptop. Check the webpage for updates at the beginning of IAP!


Sponsor(s): Student Information Processing Board, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
Contact: Bhaskar Mookerji,