MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2014

A Sampling of Careers in Biology

Professor Matt Vander Heiden, Assistant Professor of Biology

Enrollment: Unlimited: No advance sign-up
Attendance: Participants welcome at individual sessions
Prereq: none

MIT Biology is proud to present the IAP Program "Sampling of Careers in Biology".

Sponsor(s): Biology
Contact: Prof. Matt Vander Heiden, 76-561, 617-715-4471,

Government and Policy Panel

Jan/08 Wed 01:00PM-03:00PM 68-181

A scientist's skills need not be applied only to the lab and classroom. Come find out how scientists can employ their expertise in government and policy agencies, playing a role in shaping research infrastructure and public perception and understanding of science!


Amanda Arnold - Senior Policy Advisor, Zofia Gajdos - Lecturer and Curriculum Fellow in Microbiology & Immunology, David Healey - PhD Candidate, Gore Lab, MIT Biology Dept

A Career in Venture Capital/Consulting

Jan/09 Thu 01:00PM-03:00PM Whitehead Auditorium

The business of Biology is booming! This seminar features capitalists, who finance biological enterprises, and consultants, who suggest the best way to merge Biology with business. Come listen and speak with PhDs who have made the transition from bench work to the business world.


Kevin Starr - Partner, Carlos Loya - Scientist II in drug discovery, David Weingeist - Senior Consultant, Shalia Rahman - Venure Labs Associate

Science Writing Panel

Jan/13 Mon 01:00PM-03:00PM 68-181

"How can we apply our scientific training to effective communication, both among scientists and to the public? Come learn about the different ways our panelists have ventured into science writing as editors, writers, and communicators with broad audiences." 

Ann Cheung - Scientific Editor, Elizabeth McKenna - Science Writer, Joanne Kotz - Director of Scientific Outreach, Richard Saltus - Senior Science Writer

A Career in the Biotechnology Industry

Jan/16 Thu 01:00PM-03:00PM 68-181

Are you considering a job in industry or perhaps starting your own company? What are the main differences between academic and industry labs? Join us for an exciting Q&A session with a panel of scientists who belong to different areas of industry, and find out whether industry is right for you.

Michael Schlabach - Lab Head, Rami Rahal - Lab Head, Ashok Chander - CEO, Charles Kung - Associate Director of Biology

Patent Law

Jan/21 Tue 01:00PM-03:00PM 68-181

Speakers will share their path to the field of Patent Law, and interact with those who are interested in a career in Patent Law.

Dave Bartel - Whitehead Institute, Professor, John Prince - Functional Patent Head, Lauren Foster - Koch Institute, Min Wang - Senior Director of IP and Legal Affairs

Education & Outreach

Jan/28 Tue 01:00PM-03:00PM 68-181

Do you enjoy teaching and helping people learn? Come hear about careers that are focused on science education and science outreach and learn how you can share your love of science with the public.

Berri Jacques - Research Assistant Professor & Co-Director, Irene Porro - Leadership Team, Leslie McClain - Education and Diversity Program Manager, Tyler Dewitt - Education Consultant and Teaching Lead