MIT: Independent Activities Period: IAP

IAP 2014

Ahead of Their Time: From the Antikythera Mechanism to the Anti-Beatles

V. Michael Bove, Jr.

Jan/16 Thu 01:00PM-02:30PM E15-443

Enrollment: Unlimited: No advance sign-up
Prereq: none

From the well-known to the obscure, from nonlinear fiction to fuel-cell vehicles and touchscreen maps, we celebrate a collection of technological, artistic, and other achievements that appeared tens, hundreds, or even a thousand years before the rest of the world caught up with them. Attendees are encouraged each to bring a favorite example of their own.

Sponsor(s): Media Arts and Sciences
Contact: V. Bove, E15-448, 617 253-0334, VMB@MEDIA.MIT.EDU