About IAP: Closings and Cancellations
Updates will be made throughout the day (business days) to the online IAP Guide throughout IAP. You will be able to check on what's currently happening on campus, see any changes in activities' schedules, and find out about new activities.
Snow Days
If the Institute must close due to snow, activity organizers will decide whether to hold or cancel their activities. Activity organizers wishing to mark their activities as "cancelled" in the online IAP Guide may do so through the online posting system, or by contacting the IAP Coordinator of the sponsoring department. IAP Staff in the UAAP can also assist.
Organizers canceling their activities should try, to the extent possible, to notify participants (for instance, with a sign on the door or by e-mail).
NOTE: To determine whether MIT will close due to a snowstorm, check the MIT Emergency website or call the SNOW line at: 617-253-7669.