A number of self-inactivating lentiviral vectors can be used for transgene delivery and RNAi induction. A list of the vectors is given below.
LentiLox Vectors
Packaging Vectors Biosafety Notes
LentiLox Vectors
  RNAi Vectors

pLL3.7 (mU6-MCS for stemloop-LOX-CMV/GFP-LOX)



Packaging Vectors
We use the 3rd generation packaging systems for lentiviral production originally published by Dull et al. These vectors include: pMDLg/pRRE (gag/pol elements), pRSV-REV, and pMD.G (env elements). Maps are provided courtesy of the Trono laboratory. Click on the images below for larger images.

Map of pMDLg/pRRE
Map of pRSV-REV
Map of pMD.G

Sources of these packaging vectors include:

Invitrogen- Viral Power Lentiviral Support Kit K4970-00
Trono Laboratory, University of Geneva Medical School, Geneva, Switzerland
Naldini Laboratory, IRCC, University of Torino, Italy - Email
Verma Laboratory, Salk Institute, San Diego, CA - Email


Biosafety Issues

IMPORTANT: The biosafety office at your institution must be notified prior to use of this system for permission and for further institution-specific instructions. BL2/(+) conditions should be used at all times when handling the virus. All decontamination steps should be performed using 70% ethanol/1% SDS. Gloves should be worn at all times when handling lentiviral preparations, transfected cells or the combined transfection reagent. Just remember that although this virus has been significantly modified for biosafety, it derived from HIV and with a VSV pseudotype human cells can be infected even if they are not dividing. That said, the following modifications have been made to prevent viral replication.

1.Packaging vector lacks both LTRs and has no viral packaging signal (y)

2.The following viral genes have been deleted from the packaging vector: env, tat, rev, vpr, vpu, vif and nef.

3.Rev is supplied in trans on a different vector (RSV-Rev).

4.The vector expressing the packaged viral genome has a self-inactivating LTR (TATA box deletion) and expresses no viral gene products.

5.Envelope, in this case VSVG, is expressed on a separate vector.

For more information please refer to the following papers.

Packaging vectors;pMDLg/pRRE, CMV-VSVG and RSV-Rev):

Dull et al., A Third-Generation Lentivirus Vector with a Conditional Packaging System. J. Virol. 1998 72(11): 8463-8472.

Naldini L, Blomer U, Gallay P, Ory D, Mulligan R, Gage FH, Verma IM, Trono D. In vivo gene delivery and stable transduction of nondividing cells by a lentiviral vector. Science. 1996 Apr 12;272(5259):263-7.

Self inactivating LTR:

Miyoshi H, Blomer U, Takahashi M, Gage FH, Verma IM. Development of a self-inactivating lentivirus vector. J Virol. 1998 Oct;72(10):8150-7.


This Webpage was created by Chris Dillon (updated by AED)