Consider the example of a straight wire carrying current
in a background magnetic field, with the wire running perpendicular
to the
background field.
The wire will feel a force that is both transverse to the background
magnetic field and to the wire itself, reversing sign if the direction of
current reverses. This is an example of the transverse nature of the
magnetic force, a concept that was greeted with general disbelief by
scientific community when first
discovered by Oersted in 1821. It is also one of the harder concepts
for the student to grasp, because a transverse force seems so counter
their intuition.
One demonstration of this phenomenon is as follows. A wire carrying
a large
current is moved close to the gap between the pole faces of a strong
permanent magnet, as in the sketch. Depending on the direction of
the current
in the wire,
the wire is either pulled into the gap
(moves in the + x direction
in the sketch) or
pushed back out of the gap (moves in the - x direction in
the sketch).
A demonstration of this effect for both directions of the current in
wire can easily be put on a short video clip.
Typically this "push-pull" phenomenon is explained purely on the
basis of
the properties of the
vector cross product--the force will reverse sign if the direction of
the current reverses sign. A much more intuitive
explanation, due to Faraday, is the following.
In the case above the background field is up and the wire
carries current out of the
page, so the force is to the left. Because the current is out of the
page, the field lines circle counterclockwise about the wire, and
connect to the field lines of the permanent magnet as shown.
In the case above the background field is again
up and the
wire carries current into the page, so the force is to the right.
Because the current is into the
page, the field lines circle clockwise about the wire, and
connect to the field lines of the permanent magnet as shown.
Faraday would say that from simply looking at the topology
of the field lines one can
deduce whether the wire is pushed away from or pulled into the gap.
And indeed that is true,
if one simply thinks of the field lines as rubber bands.
In the top sketch above, the field lines are trying to push the wire
back out of the gap; in the bottom sketch, the field lines, if thought
of as rubber bands, are trying to pull the wire into the gap.
This is even more obvious when one looks at the field topology as it
varies with
The animations of the two sketches above
show the time history of the magnetic field lines assuming
that initially the wire is moving
toward the gap from the left at a constant speed.
The subsequent behavior of
the wire is consistent
with a simple view of the field lines responding like rubber
bands. The pushing or pulling of the wire, depending on the
sense of rotation of its fields and the way that
they connect to the field of the permanent magnetic,
follows naturally and intuitively.
II. Magnetic Torque On A Magnetic Dipole
Consider the example of a magnetic dipole sitting in a background
magnetic field.
The dipole
will feel a torque that tends to align its dipole vector with the
direction of the
background field. This is the phenomenon one observes when using
compass--the compass needle aligns itself with the magnetic field produced
by the
One demonstration of this phenomenon is as as follows. A loop of
wire which
carries current is placed in the magnetic field generated by a
Helmholtz Coil, as in the sketch.
The loop of wire is free to rotate around an axis perpendicular to the
The loop of wire constitutes a magnetic dipole whose
magnetic dipole vector is perpendicular to the plane of the
loop, i.e., along its axis.
The Helmholtz Coil (actually two coils, as shown) produces a fairly
magnetic field near its center, directed along its axis. The loop of
wire is
placed at its center.
If the loop is initially at an angle to the axis of the Helmholtz Coil, it
will feel a
that tends to align its dipole vector with the axis of the Helmholtz
Coil. In
most introductory courses this torque is derived in a fairly clumsy
way which
is not particularly intuitive and which is immediately forgotten by
If we look at the magnetic field lines of the loop plus those
of the Helmholtz Coil, however, we can see from the topology alone
that there
must be a torque that aligns the axis of the loop with the axis of the
Helmholtz Coil. This is obvious from the sketch of the field lines of
this configuration below.
This is even more obvious if one looks at the topology of the field
lines as they vary with time. The animation of the sketch above
the field lines as the dipole oscillates. The
fact that the dipole feels a torque due to its interaction with the
background magnetic field follows naturally and intuitively.
with a little imagination one can clearly see that the
loop as it oscillates is constantly exchanging angular momentum with
coils making up the Helmholtz Coil, through the intermediary of the
fields. That point is never made effectively in an introductory
whereas as it is reasonably obvious here.
Another interesting phenomenon to look at is the way that the fields of the
dipole link into the fields of the Helmholtz Coil as the Helmholtz Coil is
turned on. The animation below shows this time development. Initially
the Coil is turned off, and then the current through the Coil
increases linearly with time. The dipole loop is fixed in orientation,
with constant current throughout. The dipole loop is not allowed to
rotate in this process.