This is the Assassin Game Template v1-5d (version info here). In order for a team to use this package successfully, you should declare one person to be Production Czar, and put them in charge of understanding this documentation in depth. The html docs will note if they're Czar-specific; most are for all GMs.
Note that Template is aimed at Athena. If you're elsewhere, you'll be able to use most of it (you may have to download some latex packages from CTAN), but you probably can't get all the benefits of the perl scripts without hacking on them.
The Template is self-documenting as much as possible. When issues are discovered with a release that's gone out, they rather have to be documented externally, so there's an page for this kind of thing.
Issues covered may be actual Template bugs or troubles with Athena and the tools (like latex) the Template relies on. Some long-standing matters, like cluster printers disobeying tray selections, may be documented both there and inside the Template.
The issues page will try to supply a description of a problem's symptoms, a diagnosis, and a patch or workaround. So look there when you have a problem to see if there's already a treatment. New entries on the page will generally be announced to the template-gms list and to the GM lists for games who've told us they're using the Template.
Blame for the Template lies here.
Please send bug reports to, especially if it's something important for gamewriting in progress. Include as much information as possible --- exact Template version, what you're doing, any changes you've made to the files involved, what should happen, what goes wrong --- but not game secrets, we'd like to be able to play! We'll try to get you a fix ASAP.
General discussion of the Template takes place on; your Czar, at least, wants to be on this list. At your athena prompt,
blanche template-gms -a $USERwill add you; -d will take you off. If you're not on Athena, send add/delete requests to You can also (in theory) read the list in discuss here.
For faster conversations, you can subscribe to the template-gms zephyr class (again, your Czar at least, probably wants to).
zctl add template-gms \* \*will subscribe you;
zwrite -c template-gmswill send a zephyr there. (For more information about zephyr, see SIPB's Inessential Zephyr in dvi or html.)