Class ByteSwapper

  extended byorg.python.core.ByteSwapper

public class ByteSwapper
extends java.lang.Object

Simple class that provides the capability to swap or reverse the byte order of all elements of an Array. Used to convert from one endian type to another. The class swaps the following types:

Note this functionality is provided in the base types since 1.5.

Andrew Howard

Constructor Summary
Method Summary
static void swap(java.lang.Object array)
          Reverses the byte order of all elements in the supplied array, converting between little and big endian byte order.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public ByteSwapper()
Method Detail


public static void swap(java.lang.Object array)
Reverses the byte order of all elements in the supplied array, converting between little and big endian byte order.

array - the input array for type sensitive byte swapping.

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