Class CachedJarsPackageManager

  extended byorg.python.core.PackageManager
      extended byorg.python.core.CachedJarsPackageManager
Direct Known Subclasses:

public abstract class CachedJarsPackageManager
extends PackageManager

Abstract package manager that gathers info about statically known classes from a set of jars. This info can be eventually cached. Off-the-shelf this class offers a local file-system based cache impl.

Nested Class Summary
static class CachedJarsPackageManager.JarXEntry
          To pass a cachefile id by ref.
Field Summary
Fields inherited from class org.python.core.PackageManager
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
 void addJarToPackages( jarfile)
          Gathers classes info from jar specified by File jarfile.
 void addJarToPackages( jarfile, boolean cache)
          Gathers classes info from jar specified by File jarfile.
 void addJarToPackages( jarurl)
          Gathers classes info from jar specified by jarurl URL.
 void addJarToPackages( jarurl, boolean cache)
          Gathers classes info from jar specified by jarurl URL.
 void saveCache()
          Write back cache index.
Methods inherited from class org.python.core.PackageManager
addDirectory, addJar, addJarDir, doDir, findClass, findClass, lookupName, makeJavaPackage, notifyPackageImport, packageExists
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public CachedJarsPackageManager()
Method Detail


public void addJarToPackages( jarurl)
Gathers classes info from jar specified by jarurl URL. Eventually just using previously cached info. Eventually updated info is not cached. Persistent cache storage access goes through inOpenCacheFile() and outCreateCacheFile().


public void addJarToPackages( jarurl,
                             boolean cache)
Gathers classes info from jar specified by jarurl URL. Eventually just using previously cached info. Eventually updated info is (re-)cached if param cache is true. Persistent cache storage access goes through inOpenCacheFile() and outCreateCacheFile().


public void addJarToPackages( jarfile)
Gathers classes info from jar specified by File jarfile. Eventually just using previously cached info. Eventually updated info is not cached. Persistent cache storage access goes through inOpenCacheFile() and outCreateCacheFile().


public void addJarToPackages( jarfile,
                             boolean cache)
Gathers classes info from jar specified by File jarfile. Eventually just using previously cached info. Eventually updated info is (re-)cached if param cache is true. Persistent cache storage access goes through inOpenCacheFile() and outCreateCacheFile().


public void saveCache()
Write back cache index. Index persistent storage is accessed through outOpenIndex().

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