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MIT Industrial Performance Center

Working Papers

To see the full list of IPC working papers, click here.

For working papers relating to the IPC Globalization Project, click here.

Smita Srinivas, Kati-Jasmin Kosonen, Kimmo Viljamaa, and Juha Nummi
Varieties of Innovation and Welfare Regimes: The Leap from R&D Projects to the Development of City-regions, European Planning Studies,16:9,1267-1291
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 08-001

Sachi Hatakenaka, Petter Wesnes, Martin Gjelsvik,
and Richard K. Lester
The Regional Dynamics of Innovation: A comparative case study of oil and gas industry development in Stavanger and Aberdeen
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 06-003

Sachi Hatakenaka, Petter Westnes, Martin Gjelsvik,
and Richard K. Lester
From 'Black Gold' to'Human Gold'
A Comparative Case Study of the Transition from a Resource-Based to a Knowledge Economy in Stavanger and Aberdeen
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 06-002

Juha Nummi
University - Industry Collaboration in Medical Devices Development: A Case Study of the Oulu Region in Finland
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 06-001

Richard K. Lester
Universities, Innovation, and the Competitiveness of Local Economies: A Summary Report from the Local Innovation Systems Project–Phase I
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 05-005 | IPC Working Paper 05-010

Kati-Jasmin Kosonen
Strengthening the Research and Educational Basis for Regional Development in Less-Favored Regions
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 05-003

Smita Srinivas and Kimmo Viljamaa
Economic institutionalisation in practice: Development and the “Third Role” of Universities (a later version of this paper is forthcoming in the December 2006 Regional Studies, as "Emergence of Economic Institutions: Analysing the Third Role of universities in Turku, Finland")
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 05-002

Markku Sotarauta and Smita Srinivas
The Co-Evolution of Policy and Economic Development: A Discussion on Innovative Regions
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 05-001

Dan Breznitz
Diffusion of Academic R&D Capabilities as an Industrial Innovation Policy? - The Development of Israel's IT Industry
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 04-005 | IPC Working Paper 04-006

Sachi Hatakenaka
Optoelectronics In Hamamatsu: In Search Of A Photon Valley
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 04-004

Sean Safford
Why the Garden Club Couldn’t Save Youngstown: Civic Infrastructure and Mobilization in Economic Crises
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 04-003

Sean Safford
Searching for Silicon Valley in the RustBelt: The Evolution of Knowledge Networks in Akron and Rochester
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 04-002

Carlos Martínez-Vela and Kimmo Viljamaa
Becoming high-tech: The reinvention of the mechanical engineering industry in Tampere, Finland
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 04-001

Markku Sotarauta and Kati-Jasmin Kosonen
Institutional Capacity and Strategic Adaptation in Less Favored Regions: A South Ostrobothnian University Network as a Case in Point
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 03-003

Jari Kolehmainen
Territorial Agglomeration as a Local Innovation Environment: The Case of a Digital Media Agglomeration in Tampere, Finland
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 03-002

Smita Srinivas and Kimmo Viljamaa
BioTurku: “Newly” innovative? The rise of bio-pharmaceuticals and the biotech concentration in southwest Finland
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 03-001

Alok K. Chakrabarti and Richard K. Lester
Regional Economic Development: Comparative Case Studies in the US and Finland
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 02-004

Alok K. Chakrabarti
Role of universities in the Product Development Process: Strategic Considerations for the Telecommunication Industry
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 02-003

Juha Kostiainen and Markku Sotarauta
Finnish City Reinvented: Tampere's Path from Industrial to Knowledge Economy
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 02-002

Michael D. Santoro and Alok K. Chakrabarti
Firm Size and Technology Centrality in Industry-University Interactions
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 02-001

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