Working Papers
To see the full list of IPC working papers, click here.
For working papers relating to the IPC Globalization Project, click here.
Smita Srinivas, Kati-Jasmin Kosonen, Kimmo Viljamaa, and Juha Nummi
Varieties of Innovation and Welfare Regimes: The Leap from R&D Projects to the Development of City-regions, European Planning Studies,16:9,1267-1291
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 08-001
Sachi Hatakenaka, Petter Wesnes, Martin Gjelsvik,
and Richard K. Lester
The Regional Dynamics of Innovation: A comparative case study of oil and gas industry development in Stavanger and Aberdeen
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 06-003
Sachi Hatakenaka, Petter Westnes, Martin Gjelsvik,
and Richard K. Lester
From 'Black Gold' to'Human Gold'
A Comparative Case Study of the Transition from a Resource-Based to
a Knowledge Economy in Stavanger and Aberdeen
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 06-002
Juha Nummi
University - Industry
Collaboration in Medical Devices Development: A Case Study of the Oulu Region
in Finland
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 06-001
Richard K. Lester
Universities, Innovation, and the Competitiveness of Local Economies:
A Summary Report from the Local Innovation Systems Project–Phase
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 05-005 | IPC Working Paper 05-010
Kati-Jasmin Kosonen
Strengthening the Research and Educational Basis for Regional Development
in Less-Favored Regions
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working
Paper 05-003
Smita Srinivas and Kimmo Viljamaa
Economic institutionalisation in practice: Development and the “Third
Role” of Universities (a later version of this paper is forthcoming in the December 2006 Regional Studies, as "Emergence of Economic Institutions: Analysing the Third Role of universities in Turku, Finland")
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 05-002
Markku Sotarauta and Smita Srinivas
The Co-Evolution of Policy and Economic Development: A Discussion
on Innovative Regions
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 05-001
Dan Breznitz
Diffusion of Academic R&D Capabilities as an Industrial Innovation
Policy? - The Development of Israel's IT Industry
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 04-005 | IPC Working Paper 04-006
Sachi Hatakenaka
Optoelectronics In Hamamatsu: In Search Of A Photon Valley
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 04-004
Sean Safford
Why the Garden Club Couldn’t Save Youngstown: Civic Infrastructure
and Mobilization in Economic Crises
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 04-003
Sean Safford
Searching for Silicon Valley in the RustBelt: The Evolution of
Knowledge Networks in Akron and Rochester
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 04-002
Carlos Martínez-Vela and Kimmo Viljamaa
Becoming high-tech: The reinvention of the mechanical engineering
industry in Tampere, Finland
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 04-001
Markku Sotarauta and Kati-Jasmin Kosonen
Institutional Capacity and Strategic Adaptation in Less Favored
Regions: A South Ostrobothnian University Network as a Case in Point
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 03-003
Jari Kolehmainen
Territorial Agglomeration as a Local Innovation Environment:
The Case of a Digital Media Agglomeration in Tampere, Finland
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 03-002
Smita Srinivas and Kimmo Viljamaa
BioTurku: “Newly” innovative? The rise of bio-pharmaceuticals
and the biotech concentration in southwest Finland
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 03-001
Alok K. Chakrabarti and Richard K. Lester
Regional Economic Development: Comparative Case Studies in the US and Finland
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems Working Paper 02-004
Alok K. Chakrabarti
Role of universities in the Product Development Process: Strategic
Considerations for the Telecommunication Industry
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 02-003
Juha Kostiainen and Markku Sotarauta
Finnish City Reinvented: Tampere's Path from Industrial to Knowledge
MIT IPC Local Innovation Systems
Working Paper 02-002
Michael D. Santoro and Alok K. Chakrabarti
Firm Size and Technology Centrality in Industry-University Interactions
Innovation Systems Working Paper 02-001