Mary E. Beckman is a Professor of Linguistics at the Ohio State University, and co-founder (with John Kingston) of the Laboratory Phonology conference series and associated biannual collections of Papers in Laboratory Phonology. During the five years from 1990 through 1994, she also promoted laboratory approaches to fundamental issues in phonology as the editor of Journal of Phonetics (see, for example, the 1990 special issue on the theme of "Phonetic Representation"). Much of her own research focuses on prosody in all its aspects, from modeling the details of various phonetic correlates to developing computationally tractable phonological representations of stress and phrasing. She has published two monographs on aspects of prosody in English and Japanese (Stress and Non-Stress Accent in 1986 and Japanese Tone Structure , coauthored with Janet Pierrehumbert in 1988) -- and has developed several experimental paradigms for investigating articulatory and physiological representations of prosodic structure and time. She has also done experimental work in first and second language phonological acquisition. Some recent publications are (with J. Hirschberg and S. Shattuck-Hufnagel) “The Original ToBI System and the Evolution of the ToBI Framework,” in Prosodic Typology: The Phonology of Intonation and Phrasing (Oxford University Press); (with K. Yoneyama and J. Edwards) “Language-Specific and Language-Universal Aspects of Lingual Obstruent Productions in Japanese-Acquiring Children,” in Journal of the Phonetic Society of Japan; and (with J. Pierrehumbert) “Interpreting ‘Phonetic Interpretation' over the Lexicon,” in Phonetic Interpretation: Papers in Laboratory Phonology VI (Cambridge University Press).
Introduction to Laboratory Phonology | LSA.305
with Jennifer Hay
TR 8:15-9:55
Six Week Course