Kenneth Stevens is Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science and Professor in the Division of Health Sciences and Technology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and from where he received a Sc.D. in Electrical Engineering. Research interests include acoustic phonetics, relations between acoustics and articulation in speech, the influence of these relations on inventory of distinctive features in language, phonetic representation of phonological features in different languages, and lexical access by listeners in running speech. Some publications include “Toward a Model for Lexical Access Based on Acoustic Landmarks and Distinctive Features,” in the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America; “Acoustic and Perceptual Evidence for Universal Phonological Features,” in the Proceedings of the 15th International Congress of Phonetic Sciences; and “On the Quantal Nature of Speech,” in the Journal of Phonetics.
Acoustic Phonetics and Distinctive Features | LSA.141
MW 2:55-4:35
Three Week Course | First Session