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August 11, 1997 - Version 1.0a1 Design

Click here to read MacHostinfo README

This document discusses the design and implementations in this version of MacHostinfo.

Table of Contents

  • The GUI
  • Using MacHostinfo
  • The Implementation
  • The GUI

    <Put image here>
    1. The input field

      The input frame is a Text Edit box where the user types in the name of the server the user wants to recieve information on. The user has the ablity to highlight text in the frame, to cut & copy text from the frame to the clipboard, to paste text from the clipboard to the frame, and to delete text from it.

    2. The history menu

      The history menu is a pop up that contains the names of previous queried machines. When the user selects an name from the menu, the name is copied into the input field so the user can requery for that name.

    3. The "Query" button

      The "Query" button executes a search for host information of the machine name entered into the input frame. Results of the query are printed in the output field, unless an error occured, in which case an alert box will appear to explain what went wrong.

    4. The output field

      The output frame is a Text Edit box containing the results of a query for hostinfo. The user can highlight text in the field, copy & cut text from the field to the clipboard, and paste text from the clipboard to the field. The user can also scroll text up and down the screen by using the scroll bar or arrow keys.

    Using MacHostinfo

    The user can make a hostinfo queries by typing the name of the desired machine in the input field and either pressing return/enter or clicking the query button. If the query fails, a dialog box will be displayed explaining what when wrong. Otherwise, the results of the query will be appended to the end of the output field. The user can also paste hostnames from other programs into the input field or use the history pop-up menu between the input field and the query button.

    MacHostinfo also has help balloons to give the user a quick, on-screen reference for the program.

    The Implementation

    Design Issues

    Questions or comments? Send mail to
    Last updated on $Date: 2003/11/18 21:59:35 $
    Last modified by $Author: smcguire $