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MacCVS quick guide

MacCVS obscurities, recipes, and gotchas

by Miro Jurisic

This document is a reference on how to perform particular operations with MacCVS. It encompasses information gathered from CVS manual, and lore and experience acquired through daily use of CVS and MacCVS. If you are trying to do something, simple or not, and not sure how to do it right, this is the place to look; more than likely, it's been done before and documented.

Getting the initial copy of working files

Since there are some problems using MacCVS and modules, it is difficult to initially get only a part of a repository. The best thing to do is to get all files from the repository, and then remove the ones you don't need.

In order to checkout an entire repository:

Updating a folder

To update a folder, you can just use the Update Folder command from Cvs Main menu. Select the folder you want to update, and MacCVS will perform the update.

However, since update by default does not create any new folders, this may not always be what you want.

If you want to recursively update a folder and create all folders below it that you don't have among your working files, you should use MacCVS command line to run:

cvs update -d

in the folder you want to update.

If you want to create a specific folder that you don't have among your working files, you need to know its name, and have its parent folder among your working files. Then, use MacCVS command line to run:

cvs update -d <folder you want>

in the parent folder.

Of course, you might want to know what folders you are missing without actually creating any. You have two options. First, you can just look inside <> and see what you find interesting. Second, you can use MacCVS command line to run:

cvs -n update -d

which will just print out what cvs update -d would do. Then you can see whether any of that interests you.

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Last updated on $Date: 2003/11/18 21:58:40 $
Last modified by $Author: smcguire $