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CVS Repositories

List of Macintosh CVS repositories on

by Miro Jurisic

Main repository

CVS root


This repository contains Macintosh applications, libraries, etc. developed in MIT Information Systems, along with the accompanying documentation, miscelaneous other items, and third-party software on which MIT projects depend.

Access control

Access to the main repository is restricted to members of the moira user group "moof". All members of the group have full access to the repository.

Other access points

The macdev locker is daily updated from the repository between 4 and 6 AM. The locker can be accessed via AFS-WWW gateway, or from Athena using AFS:

athena% add macdev
athena% cd /mit/macdev

Test repository

CVS root


The test repository is used by developers to experiment with CVS commands and test CVS functionality, either to examine the effects of CVS commands or to test CVS clients.

Access control

Like the main repository, the test repository grants access only the member of the moira user group "moof".

MacCVS repository

CVS root


The MacCVS repository contains sources for MacCVS (the Macintosh port of CVS that started with Cyclic sources and has been further developed at MIT and Strata), WinCVS (the corresponding Windows port of CVS) and KCVS.

Access control

Access to MacCVS repository is restricted to the members of moira group "cvsgui-dev".

Kerberos v5 repository

CVS root


The Kerberos v5 repository contains the Kerberos v5 sources for all platforms on which it has been developed, including MacOS.

Access control

The Kerberos v5 repository is restricted to the member of the moira group "krbdev".

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Last updated on $Date: 2003/11/18 21:58:43 $
Last modified by $Author: smcguire $