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The Kerberos Floating Window
What is the Kerberos Floating Window?

The Kerberos Floating Window is a floating (system) window for MIT Kerberos for Macintosh on Mac OS 8 and 9. It allows the user to obtain, destroy, and renew their Kerberos tickets.

How do I use the Kerberos Floating Window?

For documentation on using the Kerberos Floating Window, see here.

Where do I get the Kerberos Floating Window?

The Kerberos Floating Window is part of MIT Kerberos for Macintosh 3.5 and greater. You can get the latest release of the MIT Kerberos for Macintosh here.

Please read the Ticket Keeper Bugs List and Version History for information on the latest release of the Kerberos Floating Window.

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Last updated on $Date: 2003/11/19 20:47:50 $
Last modified by $Author: smcguire $