
Physical objects often display some degree of regularity and organization. A fundamental type of organizational structure is a hierarchy. We think of machines having hierarchy - assemblies, systems, subsystems and parts, as illustrated schematically in Figure 4. Physical objects - both natural and man-made - often display a hierarchical structure.. These hierarchical descriptions apply not only to assemblies, but also to aggregates and collections. A tea set, for example, may be comprised of cups, saucers and spoons yet have no physical connection.

Even natural objects display hierarchy. Trees, being the classic example, have roots, trunk, branches and leaves. This characteristic of natural and man-made objects to exhibit hierarchy is included in the Physical Markup Language.

Beyond simple containment, the relationship between components is often critical in describing the physical system. These relationships exist not only in the hierarchical tree, but also among sibling elements. A mechanical joint is a good example. Kinematic pairs, such as revolute, prismatic and ball-in-socket joints, are often used to describe the coupling between elements in a mechanical system. A bolt topology, illustrated abstractly in Figure 5, A bolt assembly which consists of a bolt, washer and nut, may be thought of as a hierarchy with well-defined relations between adjustent elements., shows how components are connected.


Elements in the supply chain can also be thought of as assemblies. A transport vehicle, pallet, container and item form elements in a linked hierarchy, as shown in Figure 6, Elements of a shipment form a hierarchy. Transport vehicles hold pallets, pallets hold containers and containers items. In this case, we explicitly define the pallet and pallet assembly as separate elements. A pallet, for example, would be considered a discrete item for a pallet logistics company, but a shipping unit for a transport company. The Physical Markup Language provides unambiguous descriptions for the various potential users.


Even individual products contain hierarchy. When you purchase an item from the store, you may be actually buying a group of products that were made at different times, various locations and even by different manufacturers. For example, you could purchase a razor handle by itself, or the handle with four blades. You could buy replacement blades in various configurations - all with or without a handle - or you could buy a promotional package that includes the handle, blades, shaving cream and aftershave. Regardless of the configuration, the handle and the blades are the same. The only difference is their relationship to other objects. This relationship of items is described by an object hierarchy. Since many physical systems have this hierarchical structure, PML captures this information.

To describe a hierarchy, we use a common analogy of a tree whose elements are arranged as branches and leaves. A directory file system, ancestors and descendents or a connected, acyclic graph are other ways to describe the same concept.

For this version of PML, we will not include cyclic graphs, in which components eventually link to themselves. Future versions may include a more general graph description allowing more complex object relations and assemblies.


We introduce an element called a part . The part element includes an optional label attribute, which is human-readable string identifying the part, and an optional epc attribute, which is the Electronic Product Code of identifying part.

<part label= string epc= xx.xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx >
. . .

One or more part elements may be included in a PML file, each representing a part of component of the physical object.


The epc attribute may be a virtual or a physically, but in either case the EPC provides a link to an extenral PML resource. The part specification also allows links using the usual Universal Resource Locator (URL) methods.



The part component includes zero or more link elements that describe how the part object is "linked" to the parent object. In other words, some objects are mechanically coupled, such as a nut and bolt, and other are logically coupled, such as a tea service.

There are some objects that have multiple linkages, logical, physical, chemical, etc. The link elements are intended to capture these relations.

Each link element includes a type attribute indicating the general type of linkage - "logical", "physical", "mechanical", "chemical", etc. The link element also contains string used to describe the particular linkage.

<part label=string epc=xx.xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx>
<link type=string> string </link>
. . .
<link type=string> string </link>
. . .


It is difficult - if not impossible - to classify all the possible ways in which objects interact. Therefore the type attribute and contents of the link element are, for the most part, unrestricted. This version of PML, however, does provide some specific link types. These are logical , physical and mechanical .


The logical type implies a conceptual link between components. This may or may not have any physical realization. The tea service, we mentioned earlier is a good example of a logical link.



The physical type implies a physical connection between the objects. This physical association is not defined explicitly within the specification, but implies a generic physical coupling, such as "adhesion," "sewn," "woven," "attached," etc. The mechanical type discussed in the following section, provides a restrictive, but well-defined physical linkage.


The mechanical type defines a mechanical coupling between two rigid bodies. If this link type is specified, the part element contains a joint element, which specifies the number and ranges of a motions between the physical objects.

Mechanical couplings between pairs of rigid, solid objects are categorized into higher and lower order pairs depending on how the bodies are in contact. Lower order pairs have a surface or planar contact, such as a hinge or a screw, while higher order pairs have a line or point contact, such as a cam or a gear.

Within lower order pairs there are six general types of couplings - spherical, planar, cylindrical, revolute, prismatic and screw, as shown in Figure 7, There are six lower order kinematic pairs -, spherical, planar, cylindrical, revolute, prismatic and screw can be represented easily in the Physical Markup Language.


In order to describe these mechanical couplings, the link element allows zero or more joint elements. The joint element includes one or more axis elements, which contains a string indication the axis along which the joint is free to move. This string may be "X", "Y", "Z", "RX", "RY", "RZ," where "X," "Y," and "Z" are translations along those respective axes and "RX," "RY" and "RZ," are rotations about the same.

If more than one axis element is included a scale attribute must be set to a floating point value indicating the degree of coupling between the two axes. In other words, some joints, such as the screw joint, couple movement between linear translation and rotary motion. The degree of coupling is commonly called pitch .

<link type="mechanical">
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
. . .
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
. . .
. . .
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
. . .
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
. . .

Thus the number of joint elements determines the degrees-of-freedom of the coupling between the rigid, solid bodies.

Each joint element optionally includes a pair of msr (measurement) elements, which represent the minimum and maximum allowable range along those axes, as well as an optional trans (translation) element providing an arbitrary coordinate transform between the object reference frames.

<link type="mechanical">
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
. . .
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
<trans> . . . </trans>
<msr> . . . </msr>
<msr> . . . </msr>
. . .
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
. . .
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
<trans> . . . </trans>
<msr> . . . </msr>
<msr> . . . </msr>



The part element also optionally includes one ore more part elements, thus defining a hierarchy of components and subcomponents. We can use this to precisely define assemblies, shipments, arrangements and general physical configurations - both permanent and temporary.



Specification: Part

<part label=string epc= xx.xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx >
<link type= string >
. . .
<link type= string >
<part> . . . </part>
. . .
<part> . . . </part>
. . .
<part label= string
epc= xx.xxxxxxx.xxxxxx.xxxxxxxx >
. . .
<link type="logical"> string </link>
<link type="physical"> string </link>
<link type="mechanical">
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
. . .
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
<trans> . . . </trans>
<msr> . . . </msr>
<msr> . . . </msr>
. . .
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
. . .
<axis scale= float >[X,Y,Z,RX,RY,RZ]</axis>
<trans> . . . </trans>
<msr> . . . </msr>
<msr> . . . </msr>