Genetic Algorithm: .::[Sketch
Design] .::[Design Development]
.::[Parametric Principles]
.::[Genetic Algorithm]
Genetic Algorithm
We think of the project as one that looks to establishing the principles of how one might articulate complex-curved form into a facetted fabrication system where the facets are given thickness (to allow their edges to be machined). This seems a sort of ‘Miesian’ principle when one accepts that the computational environment is a curved paradigm. Yet it is a complex geometric issue since offsetting triangles in 3d leads to anomalies in that they seldom fall on single vertices springing from the nodes, thus giving little ‘errors’ that must be dealt with in the modelling and fabrication processes.
We have essentially avoided this problem by displacing
triangles inwards such that the ‘perfect’ triangulation of the
exterior face is maintained, with the machined internal edges accomodating
the anomaly. The glass has then been displaced in from the ‘ideal’
surface, and this, together with the determination that the glass should be
quadrilateral, has demanded a high degree of sophistication in the generation of a parametric model.