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Class Information & Resources:
Welcome. . . This is the page where you will find class information, readings, assignments, lecture notes, special projects, and so forth. You should check it before going to class, for if there is a classroom change it will be posted here.


Until further notice we will meet in Room E25-117

Class Lectures

- September 9 class lecture: Powerpoint or PDF

- September 11 class lecture: Powerpoint or PDF

- September 13 class lecture: Powerpoint or PDF

- September 25 class lecture: Powerpoint or PDF

- September 30, Hal Gustin lecture: PDF

- November 16 class lecture: Powerpoint or PDF

Class Projects

The first mini-project presentations as PDFs
- The Green Revolution In Brazil: Lessons and Consequences
- Kenya Green Revolution
- The Green Revolution in India: Importance of an Individualized Approach
- Malawi: Impacts of the Green Revolution
- History of Food Production in Mexico
- The Philippines Impact of the Green Revolution on Agriculture

The second mini-projects
1. Governmental and international policy
2. Infrastructure and distribution
3. Climate
4. Economics
5. Emergency response/short term needs
6. Cultural/Educational/Human Rights
7. Agricultural Practices

PDFs: Class Readings

PDFs: General Readings

- Can we feed the world & sustain the planet?

- Food Security: The Challenge of Feeding 9 Billion People

- Global consequences of land use

- The state of food insecurity in the world

- Achieving zero hunger

- Food Security and Food Production Systems

Useful Books