Fall 2003 Large Group Meeting Schedule
September |
9/5/03 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Getting your sheepskin without losing your soul"
Speaker: Rev. Kevin Ford
(MIT IVCF staff)
9/12/03 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Getting your sheepskin without losing your soul"
Speaker: Rev. Kevin Ford
(MIT IVCF staff)
9/19/03 |
6 pm
Kresge Auditorium Rehearsal Room B (W16-030)
"Christian student ministries around the world"
Speaker: Rev. Lindsay Brown (IFES General Secretary)
9/26/03 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Speaker: Mary Thompson (MIT IVCF)
October |
10/3/03 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Seeing God through your eyeballs" (joint with MIT Chinese
Bible Study)
Speaker: Dr. Ming Tong (Park Street Church FOCUS)
10/10/03 |
No meeting -- Fall Retreat (joint with
Harvard Graduate Christian Fellowships) at Toah Nipi |
10/17/03 |
6 pm
Student Center Room 407 (W20-407)
Fall Retreat testimonies, praise, and worship
10/24/03 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"God in the in-between times"
Speaker: Professor Priscilla Kelso (Northeastern University)
10/31/03 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Halloween, Martin Luther, and a Harvest Party"
Food, fun, games, and a history of Christian events
pertaining to October 31
November |
11/7/03 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"How to integrate your gifts with your mission in life"
Rev. Kevin Ford (MIT IVCF)
11/14/03 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"The Matrix, Neuroscience and Biblical Theology"
Speaker: Dr. Ming Tong (Park Street Church FOCUS)
11/21/03 |
6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Trip to Boston Children's Museum (joint with MIT Sloan
Christian Fellowship and Harvard Graduate School of
Education Fellowship)
11/28/03 |
No meeting -- Thanksgiving |
December |
12/5/03 |
7 pm
Walker Memorial Morss Hall (50-140)
"Religion in the Lord of the Rings"
Speaker: Professor Peter Kreeft (Boston University)
12/12/03 |
7 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Christmas Party
Food, fun, music, games, and fellowship
12/19/03 |
No meeting -- End of Fall 2003 Semester |
Here are our previous large group schedules:
And here are some transcripts of our
large group skits and some pictures of large group
To learn more about GCF, please e-mail:mit-gcf-info@mit.edu