Logo But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7)
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Fall 2003 Large Group Meeting Schedule

9/5/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Getting your sheepskin without losing your soul"
Speaker: Rev. Kevin Ford (MIT IVCF staff)
9/12/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Getting your sheepskin without losing your soul"
Speaker: Rev. Kevin Ford (MIT IVCF staff)
9/19/03 6 pm
Kresge Auditorium Rehearsal Room B (W16-030)
"Christian student ministries around the world"
Speaker: Rev. Lindsay Brown (IFES General Secretary)
9/26/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Speaker: Mary Thompson (MIT IVCF)

10/3/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Seeing God through your eyeballs" (joint with MIT Chinese Bible Study)
Speaker: Dr. Ming Tong (Park Street Church FOCUS)
10/10/03 No meeting -- Fall Retreat (joint with Harvard Graduate Christian Fellowships) at Toah Nipi
10/17/03 6 pm
Student Center Room 407 (W20-407)
Fall Retreat testimonies, praise, and worship
10/24/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"God in the in-between times"
Speaker: Professor Priscilla Kelso (Northeastern University)
10/31/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Halloween, Martin Luther, and a Harvest Party"
Food, fun, games, and a history of Christian events pertaining to October 31

11/7/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"How to integrate your gifts with your mission in life"
Rev. Kevin Ford (MIT IVCF)
11/14/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"The Matrix, Neuroscience and Biblical Theology"
Speaker: Dr. Ming Tong (Park Street Church FOCUS)
11/21/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Trip to Boston Children's Museum (joint with MIT Sloan Christian Fellowship and Harvard Graduate School of Education Fellowship)
11/28/03 No meeting -- Thanksgiving

12/5/03 7 pm
Walker Memorial Morss Hall (50-140)
"Religion in the Lord of the Rings"
Speaker: Professor Peter Kreeft (Boston University)
12/12/03 7 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Christmas Party
Food, fun, music, games, and fellowship
12/19/03 No meeting -- End of Fall 2003 Semester

Here are our previous large group schedules:

And here are some transcripts of our large group skits and some pictures of large group meetings.

To learn more about GCF, please e-mail:mit-gcf-info@mit.edu

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This page was last modified on Sunday, December 28, 2003 at 09:49:40 PM EST