Logo But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin. (1 John 1:7)
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Spring 2003 Large Group Meeting Schedule

2/7/03 6 pm
MIT Room 4-159
"Faith and Work: Ships passing in the night?" -- A talk on Redeeming Our Work (part 1)
Speaker: Will Messenger (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)
2/14/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Faith and Work: Ships passing in the night?" (part 2)
Speaker: Will Messenger (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)
2/21/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Faith and Work: Ships passing in the night?" (part 3)
Speaker: Will Messenger (Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary)
2/28/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Praise and Worship Night

3/7/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"War and Peace"
Speaker: Rev. Kevin Ford (MIT IVCF)
3/14/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Body Life: Why can't I just do this by myself?" (part 1)
Speaker: Bill Pearson (Christian Medical and Dental Association)
3/21/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Body Life: Why can't I just do this by myself?" (part 2)
Speaker: Bill Pearson (Christian Medical and Dental Association)
3/28/03 No meeting -- Spring Break

4/4/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Praise and Worship Night
4/11/03 7 pm
Harvard University
Veritas Forum
Speaker: Dr. Gary Chapman
4/18/03 No meeting -- Good Friday
4/25/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
"Stewardship" (part 1)
Speaker: Jeff Barneson (Harvard IVCF)

5/2/03 6 pm
Student Center (W20-491)
Spring Retreat Kickoff: "How does my work affect my faith"
Speaker: Professor Doug Lauffenburger (MIT ChemE)
5/9/03 6 pm
Student Center Mezzanine Lounge (W20-307)
"Stewardship" (part 2)
Speaker: Jeff Barneson (Harvard IVCF)
5/16/03 6 pm
Student Center Twenty Chimneys (W20-306)
Goodbye-to-Graduates Social
5/23/02 No meeting -- End of Spring 2003 Semester

Here are our previous large group schedules:

And here are some transcripts of our large group skits and some pictures of large group meetings.

To learn more about GCF, please e-mail:mit-gcf-info@mit.edu

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This page was last modified on Monday, July 28, 2003 at 05:00:41 PM EDT