Session 35

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 5 Day 30 TE 6052

We arrive in Selkai!!!

The party spends a fair bit of time looking at the local housing market.

Oathar finishes researching the 9th and 10th level spells on Comfort Ways, and treats the party to a dinner.

The party spends 1455gp (242gp per partymember) on the capital expenses for their villa. It's situated in the Library district.

Servants: Cook (7gp/mo), Groundskeeper/Stablehand (7gp/mo), Maid (5gp/mo), Guard x 4(2nd level fighters) (3x4 gp/mo), Majordomo (7 gp/mo) Total expense for Servants: 38 Gold/month (6 1/3 gold/party member/month)

Current Events: Summer games in Selkai happened. But they were marred by an altercation between houses Arlaxatan and Farnys. It was a bloody battle. 12 are dead.

House Baderan airbarge exploded over the city. There was a mild earthquake in late summer. The autumn games went with tight security and no incident.

Back in Jaiman, Kier has consolodated his throne and is recognized by the Loremaster High Council as king of Ulyshak.

D. gets back in touch with her thieves guild. She deals with her actor friends.

Kyse Farnys invites us all to a party he's having. It's formal so we all dress up. It's a fairly nice shindig. Good wines. He's got all the best tobbacco too.

Oathar has a nice time chatting about trade with Arisia, the daughter of the Prince of SelKai. D. whips him up a business card so he can present it to the Lady when she gives him one of hers. Kyrik in the mean time is looking for large women.

Orhan 5 Day 70 TE 6052

New years eve/day! We go to the temple of Eissa with Imre. New moon, Orhan is missing, Charon is up in the sky. People celebrate. There are readings and prayers and food with little ceremonies. At midnight, the High priestess does a big prayer and blesses folk. Just after midnight, there is a rumbling sound. A comet flies through the sky and stikes in teh city near the docks. What appears to be a sort of Essense storm arises and th eground shakes and the winds buffet everything. Suddenly a portal is torn open before us, and a dead dying thing is spit out, an dcrashes to the ground. It appears to be a dead Algalon. (Large translucent jellyfish from the second pale.) Spell casting goes all wonky! (SCSM at -25, Fumble ranges tripled)

Orhan 1 Day 1 TE 6053

The next morning, we get a note from Veriak. "We may wish to consult with me." The party heads over to Veriak's place. "Come, sit." "Last night, I had a vision. The vision was of a cyclopse etin. I saw this Etin in battle with a black knight. The black knight reached out with his lance and stabbed the Etin in one eye." We speculate that it was one of the Eye's of Utha. "That is all I have to offer, but I am extremely worried."

We go to visit Gireg Jan. He's not gotten a clear report yet, but it appears that the Northern Eye of Utha has been disabled and stolen. At this point, he doesn't have details, but only a Lord of Essense would have such power. No lesser being could touch it. Surely, you're not sending us to deal with this.

"For some time we've known of a being called Andoval, who we believ eis a lord of essense. We believe he is also a servant of the Unlife. Even worse, we believe that he's also recovered the Shadowstone, and with he he's disabled and stolen the eye. He has the mightiest fortress ever created. Under his command are no less than six Ordainers. He's possessed the shadowstone for at least a century, but hasn't acted until now."

"Er.... what's to be done."

There is but one weapon that can stand up to the weilder of the shadowstone. Among the powers of the shadowstone are of course Dark Absolution at will, project darkness. The soulsword nnegates the powers. It projects an absolute anti-magic field. Dragon breath will deliver less than 10 points of damage for instance. It was lost long ago of course.

For now, we should just continue with what we were doing. Sky ships and air travel is almost as impossible as magic. Reports of volcanoes. Ack.

Orhan 1 Day 36 TE 6053
