Session 83

In which our heroes ...

Orhan 4 Day 46 TE 6057

We wander in and find the ice crystal that freezes everything. Perhaps we'll get that later. We proceed further down the corridor. Then we get to the two whirlwinds. They appear to be Earth Guardians, so Oathar takes offense. He gets grievously wounded, but the guardians go down. Really. Quite greviously wounded. And Imre too!

While we're drawing the healing circle, someone approaches. A groomed guy in long red robes and a sort of stooped, beat up guy. The robed guy introduces himself as Arvis. His master has ordered him to destroy us or something, but he finds that disobeying his orders might be more reasonable. Alynna introduces ourselves.

His compaion wants to sacrifice the miners, but that will cause us to fight, so Arvis offers to let them go in exchange for safe passage for himself and his minions. He leaves for us to consider.

We interrogate the miner and he tells us they took the ore and are preparing to sacrifice the miners.

We decide to accept the bargain and meet everyone at the entrance. The Earth mage leaves, the priest of Zatar leaves, with his goons, but then the foll in black robes challenges Alynna to single combat. Before we can kill him, Alynn accepts.

Sigh, single combat to the death. No interference. They decide to fight with spells and put up all their mojo. A circle is drawn, though not enchanted and they go at it. A titanic struggle it is. Thrity rounds later, miners are making side bets with each other in coppers. The party looks on in awe. Another twenty rounds or so, and Alynna manages to get behind him and snap his neck! Woo! Go us! Yay Alynna!

Imre starts looking for Reuleran with corridor, while we loot the monk. He has a leather belt (cursed,evil), two rings (one is cursed and evil), a holy symbol (cursed,evil), and gloves (cursed,evil). Alynna keeps the +2 spelladder for monks ring.

We get some Reuleran, but don't have tools to work it with, so we spend the night. We leave the guard we brought with us with the miners, and the next morning teleport back to Norek.

Orhan 4 Day 47 TE 6057

In the morning, we head off to the council chambers. We have them convert our Reuleran into headbands. Woo! (+25 vs. mentalism, one each)

Orhan 4 Day 48 TE 6057

We teleport back to the mine and do the rituals to keep the monk down. (Can't forget that.)

Orhan 4 Day 49 TE 6057

We head to the evil temple (teleporting to the mine first.) En route, we pass a burned out hamlet that was recently sacked. No dead bodies, no dead cows.

Orhan 4 Day 53 TE 6057

As we approach, we note the undead standing around inside the ruined temple area. We head in and attack the skeletons and zombies. The skeletons look new. The zombies look new too. We whack them all. Then we head in, kicking doors down before us. Go Kyrik!

We make our way to the stronghold in the main temple chamber. Eight guards, four robed priests, a dead body on the altar, and, of course, Xiax. We engage! We charg ein and smite all the soldiers. Suddenly Xiax and his mages break and run. Sigh. We finish off his goons and secure the altar room and start the annoying rituals.

Alynna does her magic thumb dance. We all get a fate point! Yay.
