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December 2, 2019: Mikhail Shalaginov's work on reconfigurable metalenses was honored to be selected as a Best Poster Award at the 2019 MRS Fall Meeting. The conference committe selected top five works out of almost 700 displayed on Monday.
December 1, 2018: Optics & Photonics News selected our recent work on ultra-bright single-photon emitters as one of the 30 most intriguing research discoveries of the year. OPN special issue, Optics in 2018: "30 million single photons per second - at room temperature".
October 16, 2018: Our research work on ultra-bright single-photon emitters was highlighted in Purdue News, Phys.org and Nanowerk. Learn more about our advances toward unhackable communication and how single particles of light could bring the 'quantum internet'. *****
October 10, 2018: Honored to receive best poster presentation prize at MIT Materials Day 2018. The award was given to top 5 (out of 60) participants from the MIT Department of Material Science & Engineering. Presented poster showcased our research findings on optical phase-change materials for reconfigurable metasurfaces. *****
September 18, 2018: SPIE released video recordings of our recent conference talks: Ultra-compact metallic interface for NV spin readout and Ultra-thin, reconfigurable meta-optics using optical phase change materials. *****
July 16, 2018: Our recent findings appeared in Nano Letters: "Ultra-bright room-temperature sub-nanosecond emission from single nitrogen-vacancy centers coupled to nanopatch antennas". Plasmonic cavities made of low-loss silver can increase 100 times the single-photon emission from diamond color centers. We were able to experimentally achieve a record rate of 35 million photons per second. *****
June 20, 2018: Celebrating successful acccomplishment of the Kaufman Teaching Certificate Program organized by MIT Teaching & Learning Lab (TLL). In the photo Dr. Mikhail Shalaginov is standing together with his instructor Dr. Janet Rankin, also the TLL Director. Learned new research-based methods to efficiently design and conduct a teaching course, especially helpful were the actual training sessions. The video of a teaching microsession "Taming mechanical fractures" is available here. *****
May 16-17, 2018: Honored to be among the 15 MIT postdocs selected to participate in the Leadership & Management Skills Course by HFP Consulting. *****
May 11, 2018: Commencement ceremony at Purdue University, Ph. D. degree hooding procedure with Mikhail's Ph. D. advisor Prof. Vladimir Shalaev. *****
April 16, 2018: Nature Communications just published our work titled "Ultra-thin high-efficiency midinfrared transmissive Huygens meta-optics". In this work we have demonstrated the first metasurfaces fabricated of chalcogenide glass, lead telluride. These ultra-thin devices are highly transmissive in mid-infrared, reaching the efficiencies of upto 75%. Have a look at the press coverage by MIT News. *****
January 30, 2018: Dr. Shalaginov received top10 award in a poster pitch presentation contest at MARC 2018. His talk featured the achievements in all-dielectric phase-change nanoantennae and metasurfaces in mid-IR (pitch video). MARC 2018 is an annual conference organized by MIT's Microsystems Technology Laboratories (MTL). This event brings together hundreds of people: students, postdocs, faculty, and industrial partners of MTL at MIT, to celebrate and recognize the research achievements. *****
January 7, 2018: Results of our recent work just came out in ACS Photonics: "Hybrid Plasmonic Bullseye Antennas for Efficient Photon Collection". In this work we demonstrated a new type of hybrid bullseye nanoantenna, which can significantly improve collection efficiency of a nanoscopic emitter, upto 85%. The antenna has been tested on nanodiamonds with fluorescent nitrogen-vacancy centers renowned for their promising applications in sensing and quantum communication. *****
August 22, 2018: Happy to announce that Dr. Shalaginov just joined his new group at MIT to start his research on phase-change metasurfaces in mid-infrared. In the photo: Misha together with the Profs JJ Hu and Lionel Kimmerling groups, aka PMAT and EMAT. *****
July 25, 2017: Our new work just appeared in Physical Reviews B: "Electron spin contrast of Purcell-enhanced nitrogen-vacancy (NV) ensembles in nanodiamonds". This study answers the fundamental question: "How does spontaneous emission enhancement influence the spin-readout sensitivity in nitrogen-vacancy ensembles in diamond?" This is the first experimental study that quantatively explores this dependence, which is vital for numerous NV-based applications, such as nanoscale sensing and quantum information processing. *****
May 31, 2017: Mikhail Shalaginov successfully defended his dissertation "Novel plasmonic materials and nanodevices for integrated quantum photonics" for obtaining a doctoral degree in Electrical & Computer Engineering, Purdue University. The recording of the defense talk is available here. Photographs from the defense:
April 28, 2017: Just ended the Purdue Quantum Center Workshop dedicated to coherent effects in Physics and Chemistry.
Please watch the recorded talks on our nanohub page.
April 19, 2017: Mikhail Shalaginov received the 2017 College of Engineering Outstanding Graduate Student Research Award. This prestigious award goes to students who demonstrated excellence and leadership in research through publications, participation in professional organizations, and willingness to mentor others. This year two graduate students (out of 700+) from the School of Electrical & Computer Engineering were chosen for this award. Pic: together with Mikhail's scientific & life teacher Vladimir Shalaev. *****
April 12, 2017: Mikhail Shalaginov gave an invited talk at the 2nd Annual Conference on Micro & Nano-scale Science for Addressing Grand Challenges, organized by OSA & SPIE Purdue Chapters and NSAC. The recording of the talk is available on nanohub.org. Photographs from the conference:Pic: speakers and a session chair of the Quantum Photonics Session. From left: Poolad Imany, Mikhail Shalaginov, Aveek Dutta, Yubo Sun. Pic: Mikhail opening the conference with the talk "Material Platforms for Integrated Quantum Photonics". *****
Our paper "Material Platforms for Integrated Quantum Photonics" is #1 in the top downloads of Optical Materials Express in March. *****
March 1, 2017: Have a look at our recently published paper "Lasing action with gold nanorod hyperbolic metamaterial". In this work, we have demonstrated that hyperbolic metamaterials can serve as a convenient platform of choice for nanoscale coherent photon sources in a broad wavelength range. *****
January 29, 2017: Come to see our work presented at SPIE Photonics West 2017: "Patterning metamaterials for fast and efficient single-photon sources", O. A. Makarova, M. Y. Shalaginov, S. Bogdanov, U. Guler, A. Boltasseva, A. V. Kildishev, V. M. Shalaev, Session: Photonic Metamaterials I, January 30, 2017, 2:30 - 2:50 PM, Room 2005. *****
January 23, 2017: Our research paper "Superconducting detector for visible and near-infrared quantum emitters" just got published in the Optics Materials Express feature issue on Quantum Nanophotonics. We believe that our findings will help in further developments of quantum nanophotonic circuitry. *****
December 14, 2016: Our review "Material platforms for integrated quantum photonics" just appeared in the Optics Materials Express feature issue on Quantum Nanophotonics. In this work we have examined several material platforms to host the future quantum photonic computers and quantum network nodes. *****
December 9, 2016: Together with my mentees, Ran Cui and Nathan Campbell, at the Discovery Park Undergraduate Research Symposium. *****
December 5, 2016: Released our chapter contribution "Hyperbolic Metamaterials for Single-Photon Sources and Nanolasers" in the book "Quantum Plasmonics" edited by S. I. Bozhevolnyi, L. Martin-Moreno and F. J. Garcia-Vidal.
August 28, 2016: Our work "Metamaterials for quantum photonics applications" by Vladimir M. Shalaev, Mikhail Y. Shalaginov, Simeon Bogdanov, Alexey V. Akimov, Jing.Liu, Alexei S. Lagutchev, Alexander V. Kildishev, J. Irudayaraj, Alexandra Boltasseva will be presented on Sep. 1 (11:05-11:30pm) in Session 16: Novel Materials, SPIE Optics +Photonics 2016. *****
July 31, 2016: Discovery Undergraduate Research Internship 2016: mentee Oksana Makarova successfully presented her work "Patterning metamaterials for fast and efficient single-photon sources" at the research symposium(poster). *****
April 12, 2016: Dean's appreciation dinner honoring graduating student library assistants (with Tomalee Doan, Associate Dean for Academic Affairs and Andrew Martin, GLSAC member) *****
April 12, 2016: "In learning you will teach, in teaching you will learn." Great to see my students (Oksana Makarova and Ran Cui) growing up and presenting their results at the undergraduate research symposium DiscoverU 2016, Purdue University. *****
November 20, 2015: Our work "Long-range plasmonic waveguides with hyperbolic cladding" just got released in the Optics Express feature issue on "Surface Plasmon Photonics". *****
October 14-15, 2015: Purdue Quantum Center (PQC) has been launched with an international workshop "Quantum Control of Light and Matter". The workshop
has brought together at Purdue the world-class experts in Quantum Optics and Nanophotonics.
October 5, 2015: SPIE released the recording of the invited talk "Nitrogen-vacancy single-photon emission enhanced with nanophotonic structures", which has been delivered by Mikhail Shalaginov at SPIE Optics + Photonics 2015, San Diego, CA. *****
August 21, 2015: The book "From Atomic to Mesoscale: The Role of Quantum Coherence in Systems of Various Complexities" by S. A. Malinovskaya and I. Novikova (Editors) with our chapter contribution has been released and is available on Amazon (20% discount coupon). *****
August 18, 2015: Caltech, APh Seminar at 4pm in Watson 10, "Nitrogen-vacancy single-photon emission enhanced with nanophotonic structures" by Mikhail Shalaginov (Prof. Vladimir Shalaev group). More details. *****
. August 9-13, 2015: Mikhail Shalaginov delivers an invited talk "Nitrogen-vacancy single-photon emission enhanced with nanophotonic structures" (left) and represents SPIE Purdue University Student Chapter at the Leadership Workshop (right) at SPIE Optics + Photonics 2015, San Diego, CA. *****
August 5, 2015: Ran Cui, undergraduate student mentored by M. Shalaginov, won third place in the undergraduate student research symposium 2015 organized by Nanotechnology Student Advisory Council (NSAC). The event highlighted the research activities of undergraduate students conducting research with several research groups in Birck and other Purdue Discovery Park research centers. Ran presented her work on mass-positioning of nanodiamonds using squeegee technique. Congratulations to Ran!
June 24, 2015: Mikhail has joined the Graduate Student Libraries Advisory Council. The council was formed by Dean Mullins to strengthen the facilities, services and resources of the Libraries at Purdue University. *****
May 14, 2015: Upcoming presentations at SPIE Optics + Photonics 2015 (August 8-13, 2015 in San Diego, CA):
May 13, 2015: Part of our Nanophotonics research group at the Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) in San Jose Convention Center. Prof. Alexandra Boltasseva has been recognized as OSA Fellow. *****
April 20, 2015: NanoDays'15 Mentor Volunteer activities, letter from Dr. Swati Pol, lead organizer of NanoDays at Purdue and Outreach Officer at Birck Nanotechnology Center: *****
April 13, 2015: Ran Cui, undergraduate student mentored by M. Shalaginov, is going to present the work "Mass-positioning of nanodiamonds using squeegee technique" at DiscoverU Undergraduate Research Poster Symposium. The event is to be held in Purdue Memorial Union North & South Ballrooms from 1-5pm on April 14, 2015. *****
April 10, 2015: Mikhail was granted Travel Funds for Purdue Engineering Ph. D. candidates to attend Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO) in San Jose on May 10-15, 2015. *****
April 7, 2015: Our work "Finite-width plasmonic waveguides with hyperbolic multilayer cladding" just came out in the Optics Express Issue. *****
March 27, 2015: Mikhail has been awarded SPIE Officer Travel Grant to attend the Student Chapter Leadership Workshop and SPIE Optics + Photonics 2015 Conference on August 8-13, 2015 in San Diego, CA. *****
March 4, 2015: Coming oral presentations at CLEO 2015 (May 10-15, 2015 in San Jose, CA):
February 27, 2015: Mikhail Shalaginov has been featured on the Graduate School's Facebook and Google+pages. *****
February 3, 2015: Our work "Towards practical realization of plasmonic waveguides cladded by hyperbolic metamaterials" by V. E. Babicheva, A. M. Shaltout, M. Y. Shalaginov, A. Boltasseva, and A. V. Kildishev will be presented on Feb. 10 (4:30-4:50pm) in Session 7: Photonic Metamaterials, SPIE Photonics West 2015. *****
January 16, 2015: Our work "Enhancement of single-photon emission from nitrogen-vacancy centers with TiN/(Al,Sc)N hyperbolic metamaterial" is published in Laser & Photonics Reviews as a front-cover paper. *****
January 13, 2015: 'Single-photon emission enhancement' seen as step toward quantum technologies (Purdue News) *****
October 27, 2014: Our student chapter is officially established. Please welcome our first officers: Mikhail Shalaginov (President), Sajid Chouhury (Vice President), Elizabeth Grubbs (Treasurer), Di Wang (Secretary); and our advisor Prof. Alexandra Boltasseva. Find more about our activities on twitter & facebook accounts; official SPIE & Purdue websites. OSA/SPIE Purdue Student Chapter is a part of worldwide network of student chapters supported by the Optical Society of America (OSA) and the International Society for Optical Engineering (SPIE). It aims to bring together students, faculty, and industry working in optics through various activities. Promoting the science of light and introducing a broader community to the advances of this exciting field. |