Context   Designers & Developers   Pre-Development    Implementation    Project Data


Davis, California:
Located in Yolo County, in the Central Valley of northern California
11 miles west of Sacramento, 385 miles north of Los Angeles, and 72 miles northeast of San Francisco. 

Agriculture in the Central Valley:
According to the City of Davis website, the Central Valley is the agricultural heart of California, providing one of the most highly developed agricultural systems in the world. In particular, the area surrounding Davis has some of the most productive agricultural land in the state and sustains hundreds of different crops. 

Priorities of the City’s General Plan include:
Conservation of prime agricultural land through limited urban growth
Resource conservation and the efficient use of energy, open spaces and water resources.

These priorities have garnered Davis acclaim as a sustainable city known for its commitment to environmental awareness (with notable accomplishments in recycling, water conservation, and energy-saving design), progressive, socially innovative programs, and community amenities/events such as the Farmers Market and award-winning Davis Greenway. 

Visit the City of Davis website for more information:

