Research Overview

By enabling the integration of millions of micro-scale optical components on compact millimeter-scale computer chips, the field of silicon photonics is positioned to enable next-generation optical technologies that facilitate revolutionary advances for numerous fields spanning science and engineering. In the MIT Photonics and Electronics Research Group (PERG), we are developing novel silicon-photonics-based platforms, devices, and systems that enable innovative solutions to high-impact problems in areas including augmented-reality displays, LiDAR sensing for autonomous vehicles, free-space optical communications, optical trapping for biophotonics, 3D printing, and trapped-ion quantum engineering. See Research and Publications for details.

Recent Highlights

Open Positions

We are looking for new postdoctoral scholars, graduate students, and undergraduate students to join our team. If you are interested, please contact Prof. Notaros at notaros@mit.edu with your CV.

MIT Photonics and Electronics Research Group - Professor Jelena Notaros - Accessibility