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Honoring and inspiring academic excellence and engaged citizenship for a lifetime.
- NSCS Mission Statement




The National Society of Collegiate Scholars is a nonprofit nationwide honor society that recognizes excellence in scholarship, leadership, and community service in students of all disciplines.

The Society was founded in 1994 at The George Washington University in Washington, D.C. NSCS has active chapters at 218 colleges and universities nationwide, in all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Chapters are involved in service to their campus and local communities, as well as scholastic and social activities.

The MIT chapter of NSCS is entering its seventh year and has grown enormously. We strive to provide students with resources for career development, personal leadership skills, and opportunities to perform community service. We are working to bring motivational speakers to meetings and trying to organize small community service events and participate in some of the larger ones on campus and in the area to achieve our goals. NSCS is devoted to helping members achieve academic and leadership potentials on small and large scales. For more information, please visit the members page, or contact us at nscs-exec@mit.edu.



2007-2008 © The National Society of Collegiate Scholars-MIT Chapter. All rights reserved.