Jim Cain brings a background in Mechanical Engineering and Applied Artificial Intelligence working at NASA and within the Electric Power Industry and returns to his roots in Academia and building tools for active learning. His early academic work involved creating mixed-mode learning environments with hyperlinked content and virtual instrumentation to teach digital signal processing to novice engineers and students.
Jims' recent work involves: engineering optical systems and creating tools to enable low-vision people to have greater access to architectural spaces; working with industry to bring their solutions, tools and expertise to the greater MIT community; working between departments, faculty and IS&T to provide and develop the infrastructure and tools to effectively deliver pedagogically significant solutions in our learning and teaching spaces.
Jim manages the Experimental Learning Environments' resources for MIT and OEIT. This encompasses:
• EL2 - The Experimental Learning Environments Laboratory. Where we develop, evaluate and deploy tools for the technology enhanced learning environments.
• Four physical technology-enhanced learning and teaching spaces.
• Deployable laptop resources (LabTops.)
• Multi-Boot and Virtual Machine Environments in the computer cluster learning and teaching spaces.
• Mobile and distributed computing solutions.
• Virtual machines and environments assets (VMWare, VDI, iLabs, WonderLand, Second Life.)
• Collaborative applications, tools and environments (Wikis, Blogs, Stellar-LMS.)
• Partnering with industry to bring tools and solutions to the MIT community. (The MathWorks, National Instruments .)
To learn more about these resources or to schedule a class in one of our spaces please visit one of the links below: