Educational Need
MIT BLOSSOMS (Blended Learning Open Source Science or Math Studies) is an international, collaborative open education project that provides a series of freely available interactive lessons for high school math and science classes presented in a widely accessible video format.
BLOSSOMS video modules supplement the standard curriculum with virtual lessons led by educators from around the world, combined with in-class activities led by local teachers. These video lessons show students, in a hands-on way, how interesting and exciting math, science, engineering and technology can be. The BLOSSOMS video modules are not intended to replace an existing curriculum but rather to enhance the teaching of certain lessons by the lively video presence of a gifted "guest teacher". Each video is designed for viewing in brief segments, allowing the in-class teacher between segments to engage the class in an active, goal-oriented exercise. Students in the classroom setting would watch a segment of a BLOSSOMS video, no segment lasting longer than about 4 minutes. Then after each segment, the in-class teacher would guide or facilitate the students through an active learning exercise building from the video segment and provided by the guest teacher. After the learning objective is accomplished, the video is turned on again for another short segment. This iterative process continues until the exercise is over, usually lasting a full class session.
Follow the BLOSSOMS via Twitter at:!/MIT_BLOSSOMS