Who are we? |
Our Constitution
Ali Hosseini
Kaveh Milaninia
Social Chair |
Officers' Duties
- Communication with other organizations and representing PSA. Replying to E-mails and distributing the E-mails that other officers should take care of.
- Keeping a record of Alumni sign up E-mails.
- Taking part in Funding meetings of GSC
- Keeping the group together; resolving possible conflicts.
- Distributing E-mails to our mailing lists (done with VP together)
- Making sure the meetings are scheduled and followed and everything goes on track.
- Keeping a record of all meetings and important documents (funding applications and results etc)
- Keeping track of deadlines for different applications and also the assets of PSA.
- Organizing end of the year election and orientation lunch with vice president
- Estimated time: 10 hours per month
- Filling in for gaps
- Organizing some smaller events: Norouz table, end of year election (with president), activities midway,
- rientation lunch (with president)
- Maintaining PSA mailing lists
- Filling the funding request and reimbursement forms for the events organized by him/her
- Notes: Having prior experience with PSA is very useful for this position
- Estimated time: 12 hours per month
- Collecting the funding request forms
- Taking part in GSC's funding meeting
- Informing the social chairs about the available fund for their events and paying them some money before the
- vent.
- Reimbursing the social chair for their event expenses.
- Keeping track of the reimbursement procedure (From other Officers Filling out the forms to depositing the check into PSA account).
Book Keeping:
- Keeping record of allocated fund for events.
- Keeping record of the total expenses and revenues in each event.
- Keeping a clear record of every transaction of PSA account.
- Keeping a copy of all past reimbursement forms for using in the next time that we have the event.
- Estimated time: 10 Hour per month
One time jobs:
- Adding the calendar to the website
- Adding password protected folder for officer correspondence
Regular duties:
- posting announcement of events regulary on the website.
- documenting organized events in the past events of the website.
- posting new photos of PSA events.
- updating the front page of the website regulary.
- Incremental improvement of the website design
- Updating the links
- Estimated time: 8 hour per month
Social Chair
- Organizing one predetermined event each semester (the possibilities are: Dinner/Norouz, Halloween/Dinner, and
- alda/I-fair)
- Organizing at least one other event each semester (examples: movie nights, BBQ, Soccer tournament, lectures,
- usic night etc)
- Filling the funding request and reimbursement forms for the events organized by him/her
- Estimated time: 10 hours per month
the officers are expected to help in leading meetings and writing the
meeting summaries, as well as, helping other officers in organizing different
PSA officers are encouraged to read event guidelines before each event.
PSA officers are encouraged to read the previous meeting report before going to the next officer meetings.
The next election will be around April. It is open to all MIT students to participate.
This page is last update 4 September, 2003 by PSA's webmaster. Contact him at alam@mit.edu.
This page has been accessed at least
times since March 2003.