Massachusetts Institute of Technology

                       Portuguese Leaders of Tomorrow Club


The need for change

The club vision

The short-term goals

The club officers

Studying in the US










Mar 2006 (date to be confirmed):


Presentation at Oporto University (FEUP).

"Studying in the US".

Confirmed speakers: 

- Henrique Miranda (Stanford University)

- Pedro Pinto (MIT)


May 2007:


Release of the new book entitled “Studying in the US: An Application Guide to Masters and Ph.D. Programs”.

This new book, written in Portuguese, demystifies the application process to graduate studies (Masters and Ph.D) in the US. The book analyzes the various steps in preparing a successful application, such as selecting universities and programs, or securing financial support. It focuses on the challenges faced by Portuguese students during the application process, and explores techniques that can considerably increase the chances of admission to top US universities.

The author, Pedro C. Pinto, is a Ph.D. student and a research assistant at MIT. The book has been recently published in partnership with the Portuguese Luso-American Foundation, and is being freely distributed by the Fulbright Information Center (, +351 21-761-1130).