2002 Student Pugwash Northeast Regional Conference

February 22 & 23, 2002
(Friday & Saturday)

About the Conference  |  Agenda  |  Register  |  About the Sponsors 

A forum for students, professionals, and academics in the Northeast to engage in dialogue about the effects of scientific and technological research on humanity. Through a mix of panels, roundtable discussions and social events the conference is designed to cover a range of perspectives challenging participants to formulate their own opinion on a matter, not be indoctrinated by a particular stance.

Panel topics: The conference begins at 5:00pm on Friday, February 22 with opening remarks and a Keynote address and is followed by a full day of panel discussions and roundtable discussions on Saturday.

Download conference poster.

Sponsored by: MIT Student Pugwash; Boston University Student Pugwash; Student Pugwash USA; The Technology and Culture Forum at MIT; Department of Urban Studies and Planning; MIT Offices of the President, Provost, and Chancellor; MIT Department of Science, Technology, and Society; Sloan Socially Responsible Business Club; MIT-SAVE; MIT Western Hemisphere Project; MIT Department of History; MIT Department of Anthropology; MIT Public Service Center; MIT Graduate Student Council.