William Rankine on Entropy, Love and Marriage
A very, very good blog-post about Rankine's pre-Clausius
discovery of entropy, followed (for dessert, I suppose)
by Rankine's
poem "The mathematician in love", a typical
Victorian science-humour piece about marriage as the
integral of love dt.
[Carnotcycle 2013 Feb. 1]
Build your own analemma
by Charles H. Holbrow
"Earth's analemma is the lopsided figure eight
marked out over a year by the position of the Sun in
the sky observed at the same clock time each day."
Technology of the Edo Period
[Voyages Extraordinaires, 2013 February 6]
Japan under the shōgunate
developed some remarkable devices,
including electrostatic generators,
clocks, automata ...
Ernst Chladni:
Pioneer of acoustics; one of the first people to understand
the nature of meteorites; an academic outsider.
Adolphe Ganot:
He wrote one of the most widely-read introductory
physics-textbooks of all time.
The page here includes
links to a few of the many versions of "Ganot"
published between 1859 and the Second World War,
including the 1899 Marathi translation.