2014 March 17
Einstein: Einblicke in seine Gedankenwelt --
Gemeinverständliche Betrachtegung über
die Relativitätstheorie und ein neues Weltsystem
entwickelt aus Gesprächen mit Einstein
von Alexander Moszkowski
[Hamburg: Hoffmann und Campe, 1921]
English translation:
Einstein the Searcher
translated by Henry L. Brose
[New York: E. P. Dutton, 1922], with a few additions and modifications.
Moszkowski's words are in bold.
Order of Distinction and Characteristics of Great Discoverers. ---
and Newton. --- Forerunners and Priority. ---
Science and Religion. --- Inheritance of Talent. --- A
Dynasty of Scholars. ---
Alexander von Humboldt and
Goethe. --- Leonardo da Vinci. ---
Helmholtz. --- Robert Mayer and
Dühring. ---
Gauss and Riemann. --- Max Planck. ---
Maxwell and Faraday.
I HAD made up my mind to question Einstein about a
number of famous men, not concerning mere facts of
their lives and works, for these details were also procurable
elsewhere, and, moreover, I was not ignorant of them,
but what attracted me particularly was to try to discover how
the greatness of one might be compared with that of another.
This sometimes helps us to see a personality in a different light
and from a new perspective, which leads us to assign to him a
new position in the series of orders of merit.
I had really sketched out a list for this purpose, including
a great number of glorious names from the annals of physics
and regions just beyond : a table, as it were, from which one
might set up a directory for Valhalla ! It seemed to me a
pleasing thought to roam through this hall of celebrities in
company with Einstein, and to pause at the pedestal of the
busts of the great, who, in spite of their number, are still too
few, far too few, in comparison with the far too many who
populate the earth like so many factory-produced articles.
If we set to work to draw up a list of this sort, we soon find
that there is no end to these heroes of Valhalla, and we are
reminded of the hall of fame of the Northern Saga, of the
mythological Valhalla, whose ceiling was so high that the
gable was invisible, and whose extent was so great that anyone
wishing to enter could choose from five hundred and forty
In reality our little excursion was far from taking these
dimensions, the chief reason being probably that we had
begun at Newton. However attractive it may be to hear
Einstein talk of Newton, a disadvantage arises in that we
find it hard to take leave of his bust situated at the main
portal, and that we continually revert to it even when we
call to mind the remaining paths free for our choice and
stretching out of sight.
Reality, even figuratively, offered a picture which differed
considerably from the measures of greatness apportioned
by legendary accounts. In Einstein's workroom, certainly,
a visitor encounters portraits, not busts, and it would be rash
to speak of this little collection of portraits as of a miniature
museum. No, it is certainly not that, for its catalogue
numbers only to three. But here they act as a trinity with a
special significance under the gaze of Einstein, who looks up
to them with reverence. To him their contribution of thought
is immeasurable :
MAXWELL with his rich coils of
hair ;
and between them, NEWTON with his flowing wig,
represented in an excellent English engraving, whose border
consists of symbolic insignias encircling his distinguished-looking
[I have been thus far unable to locate any widely-circulated
engraving of Newton which exactly matches this description ;
those with borders of symbolic insignias for some reason
usually omit Newton's wig, and vice versa ! The nearest
I have found is a 1740 Dutch engraving by Houbraken which
may be viewed at the Royal Society's web-site, subject
to excessively legalistic "terms of use"; it shows the famous
Kneller portrait of Newton (bewigged) on an ornate pedestal
in front of what seems to be a pyramid. ]
According to Schopenhauer, the measure of reverence that
one can feel is a measure of one's own intrinsic value. Tell
me how much respect you can feel, and I shall tell you what
is your worth. It is certainly not necessary to emphasize
this quality specially in the case of Einstein, for there are other
points of vantage from which we may form an estimate of
his excellence. Nevertheless, I make special mention of the
circumstance to give an indication of the difference between a
revolutionary discoverer and revolutionary pioneers in other
It is particularly noticeable that inborn respect is
seldom found in modernists of Art. The only means of
propaganda known to them consists in a passionate denunciation
of what has been developed historically by gradual and patient
effort ; their retrospect consists of unmitigated contempt ;
they profess to be disciples only of what is most recent,
remaining confined within the narrow circle surrounding their
own ego. The horizon of the discoverer has a different radius.
He takes over responsibility for the future by never ceasing his
offerings at the altar of the Past.
There is probably no discoverer
who is devoid of this characteristic, but I should like
to emphasize that, among all the scientists with whom I am
acquainted, no one recognizes the merit of others so warmly
as Einstein. He becomes carried away with enthusiasm when
he talks of great men, or of such as appear great to him. His
Valhalla is not, of course, the same as that favoured by
Encyclopædias, and many a one whom we rank as a Sirius among
men is to be found dimmer
than the sixth order of magnitude
in Einstein's list. Nevertheless, his scientific heaven is
richly stocked,
and the reverence that was
originally inspired by reasoned thought has become infused
in his temperament and become a part of his emotional self.
One need only mention the name of Newton --- and even
this is scarcely necessary, for Newton seems always near at
hand ; if I happen to start with Descartes or Pascal, it does
not take long before we arrive at Newton. ANΔPA
Once we began with Laplace ; and it seemed almost as if the
Traité de la méchanique
céleste was to become the subject
of discussion. But Einstein left his seat, and, taking up a
position in front of his series of portraits on the wall, he
meditatively passed his hand through his hair, and declared :
"In my opinion the greatest creative geniuses are Galilei
and Newton, whom I regard in a certain sense as forming a
unity. And in this unity Newton is he who has achieved
the most imposing feat in the realm of science. These two
were the first to create a system of mechanics founded on a
few laws and giving a general theory of motions, the totality
of which represents the events of our world."
Interrupting his remarks, I asked : "Can Galilei's fundamental
law of inertia (Newton's First Law of Motion) be
said to be a law deduced from experience ? My reason for
asking is that the whole of natural science is a science of
experience, and not merely something based on speculation.
It might easily suggest itself to one that an elementary law
like that of linear motion could be derived from our everyday
experience. But, if this is the case, how is it that science
had to wait so long before this simple fact was discovered ?
Experience is as old as the hills ; why did the law of inertia
not make its appearance at the very beginning, when Nature
was first subjected to inquiry ? "
"By no means ! " replied Einstein. "The discovery of
the law of rectihnear motion of a body under no external
influences is not at all a result of experience. On the contrary !
A circle, too, is a simple line of motion, and has often been
proclaimed as such by predecessors of Newton, for example,
by Aristotle. It required the enormous power of abstraction
possessed only by a giant of reason to stabilize rectilinear
motion as the fundamental form."
To this may be added that before and even after the time
of Galilei, not only the circle but also other non-rectilinear lines
have been regarded even by serious thinkers (and
pseudo-thinkers) as the primary
lines given by Nature ; these thinkers even dared to apply
their curvilinear views to explaining world phenomena that
could be made clear only after Galilei's abstraction had been
I asked whether the theory of gravitation was already
implicitly contained in Galilei's Laws of Falling Bodies.
Einstein's answer was in the negative : the gravitational theory
falls entirely to the credit of Newton, and the greatness of this
intellectual achievement remains unimpaired even if the efforts
of certain forerunners are recognized. He mentioned Robert
Hooke, whom, among others, Schopenhauer sets up against
Newton, with absolute injustice and from petty feelings of
antipathy, which takes its origin from Schopenhauer's
unmathematical type of mind. The vast difference between
Hooke's preliminary attempts at explaining gravitation, and
Newton's monumental structure, was beyond his power of
Schopenhauer (
vol. ii. of the Parerga) uses two arguments
to discredit Newton. Firstly, he refers to two original works,
both of which he misinterprets ; secondly, he undertakes a
psychological analysis of Newton. He uses psychological
means, which would be about equally reasonable as applying
the Integral Calculus to proving facts of Ethical Psychology,
and he arrives at the conclusion that priority in discovering
the law of gravitation is due to some one else ; Hooke is pictured
as having been treated like Columbus : we now hear of
"America," and likewise "Newton's Gravitational System " !
Schopenhauer has, however, quite forgotten that he himself,
some pages earlier, trumpeted forth Newton's imperishable
fame with the words : "To form an estimate of the great
value of the gravitational system which was at least completed
and firmly established by Newton, we must remind ourselves
how entirely nonplussed about the origin of the motion of
celestial bodies thinkers had previously been for thousands of
That bears the ring of truth. Newton's greatness
can be grasped only if thousands of years are used as a measure.
Whereas Schopenhauer argued from grounds drawn from
psychology and the principle of universal knowledge, his
antagonist Hegel, who was still more vague in these fields, sought to
dispense with both Newton and Kepler by calling to his aid
the so-called pure intuition of the curved line. In an
of truly comical prolixity, such as would have delighted the
hearts of scholiasts, he proves that the ellipse must represent
the fundamental type of planetary motion, this being quite
independent of Newton's laws, Kepler's observations, and resulting
mathematical relationships. And Hegel actually succeeds,
with a nebulous verbosity almost stultifying in its unmeaningness,
in paraphrasing Kepler's second law in his own fashion.
It reads like an extract from some carnival publication issued
by scientists in a bibulous mood to make fun of themselves.
But these extravagances, too, serve to add lustre to Newton,
for his genius shines out most brilliantly when it is a question of
expressing clearly, and without assumptions, a phenomenon of
cosmic motion. Here there are no forerunners, not even with
regard to his own law of gravitation. Newton showed with
truly triumphant logic that Kepler's second law belongs to
those things that are really self-evident.
This law, taken alone, offers considerable difficulties to
anyone who learns of it for the first time. Every planet
describes an ellipse ; that is accepted without demur. But the
uninitiated will possibly or even probably deduce from this
that the planet will pass over equal lengths of arc in equal
times. By no means, says Kepler ; the arcs traversed in equal
times are unequal. But if we connect every point of the
elliptic path with a definite point within the curve (the focus
of the ellipse) by means of straight lines, each of which is called
a radius vector, we get that the areas swept out by the radius
vector in equal times (and not the arcs) are equally great.
Why is this so ? This cannot be understood a priori. But
one might argue that since the attraction of the sun is the
governing force, this will probably have something to do with
Newton's law of gravitation, in particular with the inverse
square of the distance. And one might further infer that, if
a different principle of gravitation existed, Kepler's law would
assume a new form.
A fact amazing in its simplicity here comes to light.
Newton states the proposition : "According to whatever
law an accelerating force acts from a centre on a body moving
freely, the radius vector will always sweep out equal areas in
equal lengths of time."
Nothing is assumed except the law of inertia and a little
elementary mathematics, namely, the theorem that triangles
on the same base and of the same altitude are equal in area.
The form in which this theorem occurs in Newton's simple
drawing is certainly astonishing. One feels that there in a
few strokes a cosmic problem is solved ; the impression is
This theorem together with its proof is contained in
Newton's chief work, Philosophiæ naturalis
principia mathematica. The interfusion of philosophy and mathematics
furnished him with the natural principles of knowledge.
Einstein made some illuminating remarks about Newton's
famous phrase : "Hypotheses non fingo." I had said that
Newton must have been aware that it is impossible to build
up a science entirely free from hypotheses. Even geometry
itself has arrived at that critical stage at which Gauss and
Riemann discovered its hypothetical foundations.
Einstein replied : "Accentuate the words correctly and
the true sense will reveal itself ! " It is the last word that is
to be stressed and not the first. Newton did not want to feel
himself free from hypotheses, but rather from the assumption
that he invented them, except when this was absolutely
necessary. Newton, then, wished to express that he did not
go further back in his analysis of causes than was absolutely
Perhaps, I allowed myself to interject, a more violent
suspicion against the word "hypotheses" was prevalent with
scholars in Newton's time than now. Newton's emphatic
defence would then appear a shade more intelligible Or did
he cherish the belief that his world-law was the only possible
one in Nature ?
Einstein again referred to the universality of Newton's
genius, saying that Newton was doubtless aware of the
range within which his law was valid : this law applies to the
realm of observation and experience, but is not given a priori,
no more than Galilei's Law of Inertia. It is certainly conceivable
that beyond the domain of human experience there
may be an undiscoverable universe in which a different fundamental
law holds, and one which, nevertheless, does not contradict
the principle of sufficient reason.
The antithesis : Simplicity --- Complexity, led the conversation
into a short bypath ; it arose out of an example which
I quoted and that I shall repeat here even if it may seem
One might well expect that just as for attraction there
must be a general law for resistance or repulsion. And if
attraction occurs according to the inverse square of the
distance, then it would be an extremely interesting parallel if
a similar law were to hold for repulsion except that the
proportionality were direct instead of inverse. There have
actually been physicists who have proclaimed a direct square
law of repulsion ; I have heard it in lectures myself. The
action of a resisting medium, as, for example, the resistance of
the air to the flight of a cannon-ball, is stated to be proportional
to the square of the velocity of the projectile.
This theorem is wrong. If it were correct, and verified by
experiment, we should have to regard it as being presumably
the only possible and directly evident form of the law of
repulsion or resistance. There would, at least, be no logical
reason for contradicting it.
But here we have "an impure relationship," as Einstein calls it ---
that is, we are unable to express an exact connexion between
the velocity of a body in flight and the air resistance.
This fallacious assumption by no means proceeded from
illogical reasoning, and it seemed to rest on a sound physical
basis. For, so it was argued, if the velocity is doubled, there
is twice as much air to be displaced, so that the resistance will
be four times as great. But this was contradicted outright by
experimental evidence. One cannot even call it an approximate
law, except for very low speeds. For greater speeds
we find, instead of a quadratic relation, a cubical one, or one
of a more complex nature.
Photographs have demonstrated
that the resistance experienced by a projectile in flight is due
to the excitation of a powerful central wave, to the friction
between the air and the surface of the projectile, and to eddies
produced behind the projectile --- that is, to various conjoined
factors, each of which follows a different law, and such that
the combined effect cannot be expressed by a simple formula
at all. This phenomenon is thus very complicated and offers
almost insuperable difficulties to analysis. A beautiful
remark was once made, which characterizes such events in
During a conversation with Laplace, Fresnel said that
Nature does not worry about analytical difficulties. There
is nothing simpler than Newton's Law in spite of the
complicated nature of planetary motions. "Nature here
despises our analytical difficulties," said Fresnel ; "she applies
simple means, and then by combining them produces an almost
inextricable net of confusion. Simplicity lies concealed in
this chaos, and it is only for us to discover it ! " But this
simplicity when it is discovered is not always found to be
expressible in simple formulae, nor must it be forgotten that
even the ultimate discoverable simplicity points to certain
hypothetical assumptions.
"Hypotheses non fingo ! " This phrase of Newton's
remains true, if we maintain Einstein's interpretation : "He
did not wish to go further back in his analysis of causes than
was absolutely inevitable." It interested me to pursue this
line of thought suggested by Einstein still further, and I
discovered that these words of Newton had actually been
falsely accentuated and hence misinterpreted by many
authorities on science. Even Mill and the great scholar,
William Whewell, succumbed to this misunderstanding.
Credit must be given to a more modem scholar, Professor
Vaihinger of Halle, for being sufficiently keen of hearing to
detect the true accentuation ; and now that Einstein has
corroborated fully this explanation, doubts as to the true
sense of the words are no longer to be feared.
[See Die Philosophie des Als Ob by
Hans Vaihinger (1922), page 57.]
The trend of our talk brought us to a discussion of the
conception, "law of nature." Einstein recalled Mach's
remarks, and indicated that the point was to determine how
much we read out of Nature ; and these observations made at
least one thing clear, namely, that every law signifies some
limitation ; in the case of human laws, expressed in the civil
and penal code, the limitation affects the will, and possible
actions, whereas natural laws signify the limitations which we,
taught by experience, prescribe to our expectations.
Nevertheless, the conception remains elastic, for the question will
always intrude itself : What does prescription mean ? Who
prescribes ? Kant has assigned to Man the foremost position
inasmuch as it is he who is regarded by Kant as prescribing
laws to Nature. Bacon of Verulam [
Novum Organum: Aphorisms I.3]
emphasizes the ambiguous
point of view by asserting : "Natura non vincitur nisi parendo,"
Man conquers Nature only by obeying her, that is, by conforming
to her immanent norms. Thus the laws exist without
us, and we have only to discover them. When they have been
found, Man can react by applying them to subdue Nature.
Man becomes the dictator and dictates to Nature the laws
according to which she for her part has to subjugate mankind.
Whether we adopt the one view or the other, there is a vicious
circle, from which there is no escape. A law is a creation of
intellect, and
Mephisto's words remain true : "In the end we
depend on the creatures of our own making ! "
In Newton's soul, obedience and the wish to obey must
have been pre-eminent traits. Is he not reputed to have
been pious and strong of faith ?
Einstein confirmed this, and, raising his voice, he generalized
from it, saying : "In every true searcher of Nature there is a
kind of religious reverence ; for he finds it impossible to
imagine that he is the first to have thought out the exceedingly
delicate threads that connect his perceptions. The aspect
of knowledge which has not yet been laid bare gives the
investigator a feeling akin to that experienced by a child who
seeks to grasp the masterly way in which elders manipulate
This explanation implied a personal confession. For he
had spoken of the childlike longing felt by all, and had
interpreted the subtle intricacies of the scientist's ideas in
particular as springing from a religious source. Not all have
confessed this ; we know, indeed, that the convictions of
many a one were not so. Let us cling to the fact that the
greatest in the realm of science --- Newton, Descartes, Gauss,
and Helmholtz --- were pious, although their faith varied in
degree. And let us not forget that the most bitter opponent
of this attitude of mind, the originator of "Ecrasez l'infame,"
finally had a temple built bearing the inscription : "Deo
erexit Voltaire."
In Newton positivism found its most faithful disciple, and
his research was directly affected by his religious attitude. He,
himself, was the author of that beautiful thought : "A limited
measure of knowledge takes us away from God ; an increased
measure of knowledge takes us back to Him." It was he who
considered that the world-machine that he had disclosed was
not sufficiently stabilized by his mathematical law, and so he
enlisted the intermittent help of an assistant for the Creator,
Concursus Dei, to attend to the functioning of the machine.
Finally, he slipped from the path of naive faith onto theological
bypaths and wrote devout essays on apocalyptic matters.
On the other hand, Descartes' piety, which was genuine at root,
exhibited suspicious offshoots, and one cannot shake off the
feeling that he was smiling up his sleeve when he was making
some of his solemn declarations. He was a master of compromise,
and gave due expression to its spirit, which F. A.
Lange bluntly stated was merely a veil for "Cowardice
towards the Church." Voltaire, an apostle of Newton's
system of natural philosophy, went so far in his condemnation
of Descartes' confession of faith that he affirmed: "The
Cartesian doctrine has been mainly instrumental in persuading
many not to recognize a God."
As Einstein had called special attention to the childlike
nature of the scientist's root-impulse, I quoted a remark of
Newton that seemed to me at the moment to be a confirmation
of Einstein's attitude :
"I do not know what I may appear to the world, but
to myself I seem to have been only like a boy playing on
the seashore, and diverting myself in now and then finding a
smoother pebble or a prettier shell than ordinary,
whilst the great ocean of truth lay all undiscovered before
me." Are we not to regard this analogy of Newton's as being
intended to convey a religious meaning ?
"There is no objection to this," said Einstein, "although
it seems to me more probable that, in saying this, Newton set
down the view only of the pure investigator. The essential
purpose of his remarks was to express how small is the range
of the attainable compared with the infinite expanse offered
for research."
Through some unexpected phrase that was dropped, the
conversation took a new turn at this point, which I should
not like to withhold, inasmuch as it gave rise to a noteworthy
observation of Einstein about the nature of genius. We were
talking about the "possibility of genius for science being
inherited" and about the comparative rareness with which
it occurs. There seems to have been only one case of a real
dynasty of great minds, that of the ten Bernoullis who were
descended of a line of mathematicians, and all of them achieved
important results, some of them making extraordinary
discoveries. Why is this exception unique ? In other examples
we do not get beyond three or four names in the same family,
even if we take Science and Art conjointly. There were two
Plinys, two Galileis, two Herschels, two Humboldts, two
Lippis, two Dumas, several Bachs, Pisanos, Robbias, and
Holbeins --- the net result is very poor, even if we count similar
names, disregarding the fact of relationship ; there is no
recognizable dynasty except in the case of the ten Bernoullis.
(The Roman family Cosmati, of the thirteenth century, which gave us
seven splendid representatives of architecture and mosaic work, hardly comes
into consideration, since not one of them is regarded in the history of art as
a real genius.)
"And so," I continued, "the conclusion seems justified that
Nature has nothing to do with a genealogy of talents, and
that, if we happen to notice manifestations of talent in one
and the same family, this is a mere play of chance."
Einstein, however, contradicted this emphatically :
"Inherited talent certainly occurs in many cases,
where we do not
observe it, for genius in itself and the possibility of genius
being apprehended are certainly far from always appearing in
conjunction. There are only insignificant differences between
the genius that expresses itself in remarkable achievements and
the genius that is latent. At a certain instant, perhaps, only
some impulse was wanting for the latent genius to burst forth
with all clearness and brilliance ; or, perhaps, it required only
an unusual situation in the development of science to call
into action his special talents, and thus it remained dormant,
whereas a very slight change of circumstances would have
caused them to assert themselves in definite results.
"In passing I should like to remark that you just now
mentioned the two Humboldts ; it seems to me that Alexander
von Humboldt, at least, is not to be counted as a genius. It
has struck me repeatedly that you pronounced his name with
particular reverence --- "
"And I have observed equally often, Professor, that you
made a sign of disapproval. For this reason slight doubts
have gradually been rising in me. But it is difficult to get free
from the orders of greatness that one has recognized for
decades. In my youth people spoke of a Humboldt just
as we speak of a Cæsar or a Michelangelo, to denote
some pinnacle of unrivalled height. To me at that time
Humboldt's Kosmos
was the Bible of Natural Science, and
probably such memories have a certain after-effect."
"That is easy to understand," said Einstein. "But we
must make it clear to ourselves that for us of the present day
Humboldt scarcely comes into consideration when we direct
our gaze on to the great seers. Or, let us say more clearly,
he does not belong to this category. I certainly grant him
his immense knowledge and his admirable faculty of getting
into touch with the unity of Nature, which reminds us of
"Yes ; this feeling for the uniformity of the cosmos had
probably persuaded me in his favour," I answered, "and I am
glad that you draw a parallel with Goethe in this respect. It
reminds me of Heine's story : If God had created the whole
world, except the trees and the birds, and had said to Goethe :
My dear Goethe, I leave it to you to complete this work,
Goethe would have solved the problem correctly and in a
God-like manner --- that is, he would have painted the trees green
and given the birds feathers.
"Humboldt could equally well have been entrusted with
this task. But various objections may be raised against such
reflections of a playful poetic character . . . one objection
being that Goethe's own knowledge of ornithology was
exceedingly limited. Even when nearly eighty he could not
distinguish a lark from a yellow-hammer or a sparrow ! "
"Is that a fact ? "
"Fully confirmed ! Eckermann gives a
detailed report of
it in a conversation which took place in 1827. As I happened
to come across the passage only yesterday, I can quote the
exact words if you will allow me : Great and good man,
thought Eckermann, who hast explored Nature as few have
ever done, in ornithology thou seemest still a child !"
For a speculative philosopher, it may here be interposed,
this might well serve as the starting-point of an attractive
investigation. Goethe, on the one hand, cannot recognize a
lark, but would have been able to grasp the Platonic idea
of the feathered species, even if there had been no such things
as birds : Humboldt, on the other hand, would perhaps have
been able to create the revolving planets, if Heaven had
commanded it ; but he would never have succeeded in becoming
the author of what we call an astronomical achievement,
such as that of Copernicus or of Kepler.
[This discussion of an anecdote by Heine
that would have been familiar to most German readers is
perhaps meant by Moszkowski,
Einstein's personal Eckermann, as some
kind of self-deprecating joke. In Chapter 26 of his
Italian Travel Sketches, Heine ridicules
Eckermann as Goethe's "parrot", attributing to him the story about
Goethe completing God's creation and adding, "Some truth lies in these
words, and I am indeed of opinion that Goethe would occasionally
have managed his part better than the good God himself ; for instance,
he would have created Herr Eckermann much more completely ---
that is to say, with feathers ..." The anecdote about God is in fact
a very loose paraphrase -- or rather parody -- of
some remarks on Goethe's genius in Eckermann's early
philosophical work
Beiträge zur Poesie [Stuttgart: Cotta, 1824].]
And with reference to certain other men I elicited from
Einstein utterances that reduced somewhat my estimate of
their importance.
We were speaking of Leonardo da Vinci, omitting all
reference to his significance in the world of Art --- that is, only
of Leonardo the Scholar and the Searcher. Einstein is far
from disputing his place in the Valhalla of great minds, but
it was clear that he wished to recommend a re-numbering of
my list, so that the Italian master would not occupy a position
in just the first rank.
The problem of Leonardo excited great interest in me,
and it deserves the consideration of every one. The further
the examination of his writings advances, the more does this
problem resolve itself into the question : How much altogether
does modern science owe to Leonardo ? Nowadays it is
declared in all earnestness that he was a painter and a sculptor
only by the way, that his chief profession was that of an
engineer, and that he was the greatest engineer of all times.
This has in turn given rise to the opinion that, as a scientist,
he is the light of all ages, and in the abundance of his
discoveries he has never been surpassed before or after his own
As this question had arisen once before, I had come
equipped with a little table of facts, hastily drawn from special
works to which I had access. According to my scheme,
Leonardo was the true discoverer and author of the following
things :
This list aroused great distrust in Einstein : he regarded
it as the outcome of an inquisitive search for sources, excusable
historically, but leading to misrepresentation. We are falsely
led to regard slightly related beginnings, vague tracks, hazy
indications, which are found, as evidences of a real insight
which disposes us to "elevate one above all others." Hence
a mythological process results, comparable to that which, in
former times, thrust all conceivable feats of strength onto
one Hercules.
I learned that recently a strong reaction has asserted
itself in scientific circles against this one-sided hero-worship ;
its purpose is to reduce Leonardo's merits to their proper
measure. Einstein made it quite clear that he was certainly
not to be found on the side of the ultra-Leonardists.
It cannot be denied that the latter have valuable arguments
to support their case, and that these arguments become
multiplied in proportion as the publication of Leonardo's
writings (in the Codex Atlanticus, etc.), which are so difficult to
decipher, proceeds. The partisans of Leonardo derive considerable
support in many points from recognized authorities, as
in the case of Cantor, the author of the monumental history
of mathematics. We there
read : "The greatest Italian
painter of the fifteenth century was not less great as a scientist.
In the history of science his name is famous and his
achievements are extolled, particularly those which give him a claim
to be regarded as one of the founders of Optics." He is
placed on a level with
Regiomantus as one of the chief builders
of mathematics of that time. Nevertheless, Cantor raises
certain doubts by remarking that the results of investigations
made up to the present do not prove Leonardo to be a great
mathematician. On another page he is proclaimed simultaneously
with Archimedes and Pappus as a pioneer of the doctrines
of the centre of gravity.
With regard to the main points, Leonardo's priority in
the case of the Laws of Falling Bodies, the Theory of
Wave-motion, and the other fundamental principles of physics,
Einstein has the conviction that the partisans of Leonardo
are either mistaken in the facts or that they overlook forerunners.
In the case of these principles, above all, there is
always some predecessor, and it is almost impossible to trace
the line of discoveries back to the first source. Just as writers
have wished to deprive Galilei, Kepler, and Newton of their
laurels in favour of Leonardo, so the same might be done with
This has actually been attempted. The real Copernicus,
so one reads, was Hipparchus of Nicæa, and if we go back
still further, a hundred years earlier, two thousand years ago,
we find that Aristarchus of Samos taught that the world
rotated about its own axis and revolved round the sun.
And we need not even stop there, in Einstein's opinion.
For it is open to conjecture that Aristarchus in his turn has
drawn on Egyptian sources. This retrogressive investigation
may excite the interest of archæologists, and in particular
cases perhaps lead to the discovery of a primary claim to
authorship, but it cannot fail to excite suspicion against the
conscious intention of conferring all the honours of science
on an individual discoverer. Leonardo's superlative constructive
genius is not attacked in these remarks, and there
seems no reason for objecting if anyone wishes to call him
the most ingenious engineer of all times.
All the pressures and tensions occurring in Nature seemed
to be repeated in him as "inner virtues," an expression
borrowed from Helmholtz, who used it with reference to
himself. This analogy might be extended by saying that,
in the works of both, Man himself with his organic functions
and requirements plays an important role. For them the
abstract was a means of arriving at what was perceptual,
physiologically useful, and stimulating in its effect on life.
Leonardo started out from Art, and throughout the realm
of mechanics and machines he remained an artist in method.
Helmholtz set out from the medical side of physiology and
transferred the valuations of beauty derived from the senses
to his pictures of mechanical relationships. The life-work
of each has an æsthetic colouring, Leonardo's being of a
gloomy hue, that of Helmholtz exhibiting brighter and happier
tints. Common to both is an almost inconceivable versatility
and an inexhaustible productivity.
Whenever Einstein talks of Helmholtz he begins in warm
terms of appreciation, which tend to become cooler in the
course of the conversation. I cannot quote his exact words,
and as I cannot thus give a complete account for which full
responsibility may be taken, it may be allowable to offer a
few important fragments that I have gathered.
Judged by the average of his accomplishments, Helmholtz
is regarded by Einstein as an imposing figure whose fame in
later times is assured ; Helmholtz himself tasted of this
immortality while still alive. But when efforts are made to rank
him with great thinkers of the calibre of Newton, Einstein
considers that this estimate cannot be fully borne out. In
spite of all the excellence, subtlety, and effectiveness of
Helmholtz's astoundingly varied inspirations, Einstein seems to fail
to discover in him the source of a really great intellectual
At a Science Congress held in Paris in 1867, at which Helmholtz
was present, a colleague of his was greeted with unanimous
applause when he toasted him with the words : "L'ophthalmologie
était dans les ténèbres, --- Dieu parla,
que Helmholtz naquit --- Et la lumière était faite !"
It was an almost exact
paraphrase of the
homage which Pope once addressed to
Newton. At that time the words of the toast were re-echoed
throughout the world ; ophthalmology was enlarged to science
generally, and the apotheosis was applied universally. Du
Bois-Reymond declared that no other nation had in its scientific
literature a book that could be compared with Helmholtz's
works on
Physiological Optics and on
Sensations of Tone.
Helmholtz was regarded as a god, and there are not a few to
whom he still appears crowned with this divine halo.
A shrill voice pierced the serene atmosphere, attacking one
of his main achievements. The dissentient was Eugen Dühring,
to whose essay on the Principles of Mechanics
[Kritische Geschichte der allgemeinen
Principien der Mechanik, Leipzig, 1877]
a coveted
prize was awarded, a fact which seemed to stamp him as being
specially authorized to be a judge of pre-eminent achievements
in this sphere. Dühring's aim was to dislodge one of the fundamental
supports of Helmholtz's reputation by attacking his
"Law of the Conservation of Energy." If this assault
proved successful, the god would lie shattered at his own
Dühring, indeed, used every means to bespatter his fair
name in science ; and it is hardly necessary to remark that
Einstein abhors this kind of polemic. What is more, he
regards it as a pathological symptom, and has only a smile of
disdain for many of Dühring's pithy sayings. He regards
them as documents of unconscious humour to be preserved
in the archives of science as warnings against future repetitions
of such methods.
Dühring belonged also to those who wished to exalt one
above all others. He raised
an altar to Robert Mayer, and
offered up sanguinary sacrifices. Accustomed to doing his
work thoroughly, he did not stop at Helmholtz in choosing
his victims. No hecatomb seemed to him too great to do
honour to the discoverer of the Mechanical Equivalent of
Heat, and so his next prey was Gauss and Riemann.
Gauss and Riemann ! Each was a giant in Einstein's opinion.
He knew well that this raging Ajax had also made an assault
against them, but he had no longer a clear recollection of the
detailed circumstances ; as the references were near at hand,
he allowed me to repeat a few lines of this tragi-comedy.
Helmholtz, according to Dühring (who also calls him
"Helmklotz"), has done no more than distort Mayer's fundamental
mechanical idea, and interpret it falsely. By "philosophizing" over it,
he has completely spoilt it, and rendered
it absurd. It was the greatest of all humiliations practised
on Mayer that his name had been coupled with that of one
whom he had easily out-distanced, and whose clumsy attempts
at being a physicist were even worse than those by which he
sought to establish himself as a philosopher.
The offences of Gauss and Riemann against Mayer are
shrouded in darkness. But there was another would-be
scientist, Justus von Liebig, who, being opposed to Mayer,
aroused the suspicions of Dühring, particularly as he had used
his "brazen-tongue" to defend the two renowned mathematicians.
After he, and Clausius too, had been brought to
earth, Dühring launched out against the giants of
In the chapter on Gauss and "Gauss-worship," we read :
"His megalomania rendered it impossible for him to take
exception to any tricks that the deficient parts of his own
brain played on him, particularly in the realm of geometry.
Thus he arrived at a pretentiously mystical denial of Euclid's
axioms and theorems, and proceeded to set up the foundations
of an apocalyptic geometry not only of nonsense but of
absolute stupidity. . . . They are abortive products of the
deranged mind of a mathematical professor, whose mania for
greatness proclaims them as new and superhuman truths ! . . .
The mathematical delusions and deranged ideas in question
are the fruits of a veritable paranoia geometrica."
After Herostratus [an arsonist motivated
by the desire to go down in history]
had burnt to ashes the consecrated
temple, the Ionian cities issued a proclamation that his name
was to be condemned to perpetual oblivion ! The iconoclast
Dühring is immortalized, for, apart from the charge of arson,
he is notable in himself. In his case we found ourselves
confronted with unfathomable problems of a scholar's complex
nature, problems which even a searcher like Einstein failed to
solve. The simplest solution would be to turn the tables and
to apply the term "paranoia" as a criticism to the book on
Robert Mayer, and thus demolish it. But this will not do,
for if we merely pass over the pages of distorted thought,
we are still left with a considerable quantity of valuable
Does Dühring, after all, himself deserve a place in our
Valhalla ? The question seems monstrous, and yet cannot
be directly answered in the negative. The individual is to
be judged according to his greatest achievement, and not
according to his aberrations. The works of Aristotle teem
with nonsensical utterances, and Leonardo's
Bestiarius is an
orgy of abstruse concoctions. If Dühring had written nothing
beyond his studies of personalities ranging from Archimedes
to Lagrange, the portals would yet have been open to him.
Even in his eulogy of Robert Mayer, which is besmirched
with unseemly remarks, he displays at least the courage of his
[The blind philosopher and
social scientist Eugen Dühring,
little remembered today,
was a towering, wrathful figure looming
large in his era's
intellectual life. Irascible and combative, a
fervent nationalist, a convinced materialist,
equally virulent in his antisemitism, his anti-Christianity,
his anti-Darwinism, his anti-capitalism, and
his anti-Marxism, the archenemy of Friedrich Engels
was one of those regrettably
numerous Nineteenth Century German
thinkers who in retrospect are hard to see
as anything but forerunners of Nazism ;
certainly his remarks quoted above
anticipate what the "Aryan Physicists"
of the 1930s would say about Einstein !
However Dühring's political theory, a
kind of Romantic
socialism, was more anarchist than fascist.
Physics was one of his (numerous) major
interests. He was still alive in 1919, but
died around the time Moszkowski's
book was published.]
The attempt at a comparison between Robert Mayer and
Helmholtz is doomed to failure even when considered
dispassionately, inasmuch as the disturbing factor of priority here
intrudes itself. The definite fixing of the Law of Energy is
certainly to the credit of Helmholtz, but perhaps he would have
gained by laying more stress on the discovery of it five years
earlier by the doctor in Heilbronn. And again, this would
not have been final, for the invariance of the sum of energy
during mechanical actions was known even by Huyghens.
The Heilbronn doctor performed one act of genius in his life,
whereas Helmholtz during his whole life moved asymptotically
to the line of genius without ever reaching it.
If my interpretation
of Einstein's opinion is correct, Helmholtz is to be
credited with having the splendour of an overpowering gift
for research predominant in his nature, but is not necessarily
to be given a seat among the most illustrious of his branch of
science. Einstein wishes to preserve a certain line of demarcation
between this type and not only the Titans of the past,
but also those of the present. When he speaks of the latter,
his tone becomes warmer. He does not need circuitous
expressions, each syllable rings with praise. He has in
mind, above all, Hendrik Antoon Lorentz in Leyden, Max
Planck, and Niels Bohr ; we then see that he feels Valhalla
about him.
The reason that I have tried to maintain the metaphor of
a Temple of Fame is due to an echo of Einstein's own words
at a celebration held in honour of the sixtieth birthday of
the physicist Planck in the May of 1918. This speech created
the impression of a happy harmony resulting from a fusion
of two melodies, one springing from the intellect, the other
rising from the heart. We were standing as at the Propylons
with a new Heraclitus uttering the cry : Introite, nam et hie
dii sunt!
I should like to give the gist of this beautiful address in
an extract uninterrupted by commentaries.
"The Temple of Science" --- so Einstein
began --- "is a
complex structure of many parts. Not only are the inmates
diverse in nature, but so also are the inner forces that they
have introduced into the temple. Many a one among them
is engaged in Science with a happy feeling of a superior mind,
and finds Science the sport which is congenial to him, and
which is to give him an outlet for his strong life-forces, and to
bring him the realization of his ambitions. There are, indeed,
many, too, who offer up their sacrifice of brain-matter only
in the cause of useful achievements. If now an angel of heaven
were to come and expel all from the temple who belonged to
these two categories, a considerable reduction would result,
but there would still remain within the temple men of present
and former times : among these we count our Planck, and
that is why he has our warm affection.
"I know full well that, in doing this, we have light-heartedly
caused many to be driven out who contributed much to the
building of the temple ; in many cases our angel would find
a decision difficult. . . . But let us fix our gaze on those
who find full favour with him ! Most of them are peculiar,
reserved, and lonely men, who, in spite of what they have
in common, are really less alike than those who have been
expelled. What led them into the temple ? . . .
"In the first
place, I agree with Schopenhauer that one of the most powerful
motives that attract people to Science and Art is the longing
to escape from everyday life with its painful coarseness and
unconsoling barrenness, and to break the fetters of their own
ever-changing desires. It drives those of keener sensibility
out of their personal existence into the world of objective
perception and understanding. This motive force is similar
to the longing which makes the city-dweller leave his noisy,
confused surroundings and draws him with irresistible force to
restful Alpine heights, where his gaze covers the wide expanse
lying peacefully before him on all sides, and softly passes
over the motionless outlines that seem created for all eternity.
"Associated with this negative motive is a positive one, by
virtue of which Man seeks to form a simplified synoptical
view of the world in a manner conformable to his own nature,
in order to overcome the world of experience by replacing it,
to a certain degree, by this picture. This is what the painter
does, as also the poet, the speculative philosopher, and the
research scientist, each in his own way. He transfers the
centre of his emotional existence into this picture, in order
to find a sure haven of peace, one such as is not offered in the
narrow limits of turbulent personal experience.
"What position does the world-picture of the theoretical
physicist occupy among all those that are possible ? He
demands the greatest rigour and accuracy in his representation,
such as can be gained only by using the language of mathematics.
But for this very reason the physicist has to be more
modest than others in his choice of material, and must confine
himself to the simplest events of the empirical world, since
all the more complex events cannot be traced by the human
mind with that refined exactness and logical sequence which
the physicist demands. ... Is the result of such a restricted
effort worthy of the proud name world-picture ?
"I believe this distinction is well deserved, for the most
general laws on which the system of ideas set up by theoretical
physics is founded claim to be valid for every kind of natural
phenomenon. From them it should be possible by means of
pure deduction to find the picture, that is, the theory, of every
natural process, including those of living organism, provided
that this process of deduction does not exceed the powers
of human thought. Thus there is no fundamental reason
why the physical picture of the world should fall short of
perfection. . . .
"Evolution has shown that among all conceivable
theoretical constructions there is, at each period,
one which shows itself to be superior to all
others, and that the world of
perception determines in practice the theoretical system,
although there is no logical road from perception to the
axioms of the theory, but rather that we are led towards
the latter by our intuition, which establishes contact with
experience. . . .
"The longing to discover the pre-established harmony
recognized by Leibniz is the source of the inexhaustible patience
with which we see Planck devoting himself to the general
problems of our science, refusing to allow himself to be
distracted by more grateful and more easily attainable objects. . . .
The emotional condition which fits him for his task is akin
to that of a devotee or a lover ; his daily striving is not the
result of a definite purpose or a programme of action, but
of a direct need. . . . May his love for Science grace his
future course of life, and lead him to a solution of that
all-important problem of the day which he himself propounded,
and to an understanding of which he has contributed so
much ! May he succeed in combining the Quantum Theory
with Electrodynamics and Mechanics in a logically complete
system ! "
"What grips me most in your address," I said, "is that
it simultaneously surveys the whole horizon of science in
every direction, and traces back the longing for knowledge
to its root in emotion. When your speech was concluded,
I regretted only one thing --- that it had ended so soon.
Fortunate is he who may study the text."
"Do you attach any importance to it ?" asked Einstein ;
"then accept this manuscript." It is due to this act of
generosity that I have been able to adorn the foregoing
description of the excursion into Valhalla with such a valuable
The conversation had begun with the brilliant constellation
Galilei-Newton, and near the end inclined again towards
the consideration of a double-star : the names of Faraday
and Maxwell presented themselves.
"Both pairs," Einstein declared, "are of the same magnitude.
I regard them as fundamentally equal in their services
in the onward march of knowledge."
"Should we not have to add Heinrich Hertz as a third
in this bond ? This assistant of Helmholtz is surely regarded
as one of the founders of the Electromagnetic Theory of Light,
and we often hear their names coupled, as in the case of the
Maxwell-Hertz equations."
"Doubtless," replied Einstein, "Hertz, who is often
mentioned together with Maxwell, has an important rank
and must be placed very high in the world of experimental
physics, yet, as regards the influence of his scientific personality,
he cannot be classed with the others we have named. Let
us, then, confine ourselves to the twin geniuses Faraday and
Maxwell, whose intellectual achievement may be summarized
in a few words. Classical mechanics referred all phenomena,
electrical as well as mechanical, to the direct action of particles
on one another, irrespective of their distances from one
another. The simplest law of this kind is Newton's expression
: Attraction equals Mass times Mass divided by the
square of the distance. In contradistinction to this, Faraday
and Maxwell have introduced an entirely new kind of physical
realities, namely, fields of force. The introduction of these new
realities gives us the enormous advantage that, in the first
place, the conception of action at a distance, which is contrary
to our everyday experience, is made unnecessary, inasmuch
as the fields are superimposed in space from point to point
without a break ; in the second place, the laws for the field,
especially in the case of electricity, assume a much simpler
form than if no field be assumed, and only masses and motions
be regarded as realities."
He enlarged still further on the subject of fields, and
while he was describing the technical details, I saw him
metaphorically enveloped in a magnetic field of force. Here,
too, an influence, transmitted through space from point to
point, made itself felt, and there could be no question of
action "at a distance" inasmuch as the effective source was
so near at hand. His gaze, as if drawn magnetically, passed
along the wall of the room and fixed affectionately on Maxwell
and Faraday.
Interior of the Regensburg Walhalla. [Photo by
Christian Horvat]
Galileo's Tomb. Photo by Ricardo André Frantz.
Painting by Rita Greer.
Figure from Newton's Principia,
I.ii: "The areas, which revolving bodies describe
by radii drawn to an imovable centre of force ... are proportional
to the times in which they are described."
Bullet in flight. Photo by Ernst Mach, 1888.
Chart by Cutler.
Humboldt und Bonpland in der Urwaldhütte
by Edouard Ender, ca. 1850. [Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der
Added to these there are a great number of inventions,
in particular those connected with problems of aviation, such
as the parachute (before Lenormand), and so forth.
Schadow's bust of Copernicus in the Regensburg Walhalla. [Photo by
Eugen Dühring
The Regensburg Valhalla. [Photo by
Michael J. Zirbes]
Alexander Stoddart's new (2008) statue of
Maxwell on George Street in Edinburgh. [Photo
Kim Traynor]