The "Robert J. Silbey Memorial Symposium on Theory for Experimentalists" took place December 6-7, 2012 at the Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) Conference Center in Atlanta, GA, USA. The symposium, organized by Drs. Jean-Luc Bredas and Ron Chance, brought together a myriad of friends and colleagues that either worked directly with Dr. Silbey at some point in their careers or were deeply influenced and inspired by his work. The speaker list included as follows: David Beljonne (University of Mons), Angelo Bongiorno (Georgia Tech), Yuan-Chung Chen (National Taiwan University), Jerome Cornil (University of Mons), Veaceslav Coropceanu (Georgia Tech), Demetrio da Silva Filho (University of Brasilia), Rigoberto Hernandez (Georgia Tech), Greg Scholes (University of Toronto), David Sherrill (Georgia Tech), Frank Spano (Temple University), Troy Van Voorhis (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), and David Yaron (Carnegie-Mellon). The two-day event included a formal dinner at which the participants reminisced about "our friend Bob" and the impact he had on them as a scientist and as a person.