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Android APIs
public static abstract class


extends Object

Class Overview

Interface for receiving events about volume changes. All methods of this interface will be called from the application's main thread.

A VolumeCallback will only receive events relevant to routes that the callback was registered for.


Public Constructors
Public Methods
abstract void onVolumeSetRequest(MediaRouter.RouteInfo info, int volume)
Called when the volume for the route should be set to the given value
abstract void onVolumeUpdateRequest(MediaRouter.RouteInfo info, int direction)
Called when the volume for the route should be increased or decreased.
Inherited Methods
From class java.lang.Object

Public Constructors

public MediaRouter.VolumeCallback ()

Added in API level 16

Public Methods

public abstract void onVolumeSetRequest (MediaRouter.RouteInfo info, int volume)

Added in API level 16

Called when the volume for the route should be set to the given value

info the route affected by this event
volume an integer indicating the new volume value that should be used, always between 0 and the value set by setVolumeMax(int).

public abstract void onVolumeUpdateRequest (MediaRouter.RouteInfo info, int direction)

Added in API level 16

Called when the volume for the route should be increased or decreased.

info the route affected by this event
direction an integer indicating whether the volume is to be increased (positive value) or decreased (negative value). For bundled changes, the absolute value indicates the number of changes in the same direction, e.g. +3 corresponds to three "volume up" changes.